I'm Not From Here

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a/n. Before y'all fact-check some of this information, note that I have a bit of an explanation at the end of the chapter. Thanks :)

"Skylar! Hold on!" Brian called, shoving his foot into a shoe and loping over to the wall I leaned against. The same uncomfortably numb feeling lingered, like I walked through an illusion, waiting for something in front of me to glitch like a hologram. But I knew it was real. At least I hoped. "Hi, yeah, about earlier."

He rambled on for a good few minutes, gesticulating wildly with his hands, a crazed glint in his eyes. 

"Sorry, I- the show, it's- Yeah?" Brian cut himself off with a breathless, weary laugh.


"What I'm getting at is that it was probably the adrenaline of everything earlier mixed with the new medication, which I already expected to make you a bit on edge, that made you pass out like that," Brian explained.

"Hm, that would make sense. But is the medicine working, do you think?" I inquired.

"Oh, yes, it just takes a bit to kick in the first couple times. Freddie's alright, by the way. I wanted to thank you for that. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't step in there. Freddie told me every detail. You two are going to be great friends. And on that note." He whipped around to face me straight on before grabbing my wrist and pulling me into a supplies closet.

He pulled the door shut, awkwardly taking a few cramped steps back.

"By the way everything is going, I wouldn't be surprised if you two end up as something a bit... different from friends," He sighed. "Which is great. Freddie, I've noticed, has a deeper connection with his lovers than friends. Since you're-" he dropped his voice, "from the future and all that, I'm sure you know that Freddie also has had and probably will continue to have relationships with men. But he explained it all to us once before when the press was getting involved, he is also interested in relationships with women. So you would not be changing him in any way. Just... I don't know you very well regardless, hell, I don't even know if you're into men- what I'm trying to say is be careful, Sky. Don't hurt him, please. And don't hurt yourself."

Oh, Brian. I don't think the world deserves you.


The city flitted by through the car windows, the thick, smokey grey clouds looming over the buildings in the ebony night sky. Stars scattered overhead like splatters of paint on a canvas, shimmering outside the glow of moonlight.

The sound of the tires rumbling against the road filled what would've been silence. Chrissie and Ronnie had scrambled for the front row of the car, Chrissie behind the wheel, which, likely purposefully, left Freddie at my side in the back.

Very close.

The scent of cigarette smoke and wine clung to his skin, his hand resting on my thigh. I didn't dare to move and disturb the delicate walls that were not closing him off from me, but dividing us from the rest of the world.

Because the world is a dangerous place, and it felt a little less scary with him at my side. I learned in the time I spent with him that there was nothing more fragile than life itself. It could end in a heartbeat, tear itself apart in the blink of an eye, and nothing could flicker the light back on once it finally goes out.

I didn't even catch a glimpse of his face, I was so careful to stay as still as I could.

Freddie sighed softly and drew his hand back. The small spark of hope I held as close to my heart as I could flickered out. 

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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