Heart of Ice (Kim Minji)

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Y/N stood by the gym entrance, heart pounding in his chest. His eyes were fixed on Kim Minji, the girl who seemed untouchable, always focused, always distant. She was practicing her badminton swings with her usual precision and poise. The gym echoed with the sharp sound of her racket connecting with the shuttlecock—perfect, as always.

Minji was a second-year student, just like him, but they couldn't have been more different. While Y/N was quiet, blending into the background of their classes, Minji stood out, known for her cold and indifferent demeanor. It wasn't just her reputation for excelling at badminton or her academic achievements that set her apart—it was the way she held herself, as if nothing could break through her icy exterior.

And yet, Y/N was drawn to her. He admired her dedication, the way she juggled her studies and her sport, never faltering, never letting anyone close. There was something about her unwavering focus that fascinated him, something beyond the walls she'd built around herself.

"I don't get it," Hanni's voice snapped him out of his trance. She stood next to him, arms crossed, watching him with a grin. "You've been staring at her for months, and you've barely said a word to her."

Y/N flushed, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "It's not that easy," he muttered. "She's... well, look at her. She's Kim Minji."

Hanni chuckled, nudging him with her elbow. "So? You've got to try, Y/N. You can't just admire her from a distance forever.". "I've tried," he sighed, thinking back to the few times he'd attempted to talk to Minji, only to be met with her usual cold indifference. "She's not interested."

"Maybe she's not interested because you give up so easily," Hanni teased. "Minji isn't going to melt for someone who doesn't even try."

Y/N glanced at Minji again, watching as she picked up the shuttlecock and prepared for another swing. He'd never been the bold type, never the one to make the first move. But something about Minji stirred something in him, made him want to push past his own insecurities.

"What if I make a fool of myself?" he asked quietly. "Then you make a fool of yourself," Hanni shrugged. "But at least you'll know you tried. Come on, I'll help you."

Over the next few days, Y/N found himself doing things he never thought he would—leaving small notes of encouragement in Minji's locker, sitting a little closer to her in class, trying to catch her after badminton practice just to exchange a few words. Each attempt seemed futile at first. Minji would either glance at him with those unreadable eyes or walk away without so much as a nod.

"She's impossible," Y/N groaned one afternoon, slumping down next to Hanni on the campus lawn. "You're making progress," Hanni said, leaning back on her hands, grinning. Y/N shot her a look. "What progress? She barely even looks at me.". "She's noticing you, trust me. She might not show it, but Minji's always been like that. She's just... guarded."

Y/N wasn't sure if Hanni was just being optimistic or if she actually believed what she was saying, but he couldn't deny that something had shifted. Maybe it was the way Minji's gaze lingered on him a little longer in class, or how she didn't immediately walk away when he showed up at her practices. Whatever it was, it gave him just enough hope to keep trying.

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