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I realized then that being around them, watching them play, wasn't just about being part of a team-it was about understanding what made each of them tick. And that included figuring out how I could fit into the equation.

"Honda-chan was right," I muttered to myself, thinking back to her suggestion. "Being manager for this team... might be more challenging than I thought."

But even as I felt that weight, there was a sense of excitement building inside me. The thought of becoming part of something bigger, contributing in my own way, was strangely exhilarating. Maybe I didn't know exactly what my role would be just yet, but watching Kita handle the chaos earlier had made one thing clear: there was a lot to learn.

And if anyone could teach me, it was him.

3rd POV

As Kazuha stood there, Kita leaned down slightly, meeting her at eye level. Then, in a move that was completely unexpected, especially for those who knew him, he reached out and gently patted her head. His touch was brief, leaving Kazuha momentarily stunned.

Atsumu and Osamu, who had been casually chatting while taking a water break after running 2 laps on the field, froze in place. Their heads snapped in the direction of the interaction, eyes widening in disbelief. They immediately ducked behind the gym's door, peeking out like mischievous children spying on something top secret.

Atsumu's jaw practically hit the floor, his eyes comically wide. "Oi, Samu... did ya see that?!"

Osamu, equally stunned, blinked several times before whispering back, "Did Kita-san... just pat her head?" He rubbed his eyes as if trying to make sure he wasn't imagining things. "I swear, I thought he was a robot or somethin'."

Atsumu, trying to keep his voice down but utterly failing, exaggeratedly mimicked the scene, his hand hovering over his own head in a dramatic slow-motion gesture. "This is wild! Since when does Kita-san has emotions?!"

Osamu stifled a laugh, still watching with his hand covering his mouth in shock. "Ya sure that's the same Kita-san we know? The guy who could probably stare at a brick wall and not feel a thing?"

The two continued to peek from behind the door, Atsumu biting his lip to keep from bursting out laughing. "I've never seen him act like that, especially with a girl. We gotta write this down or somethin'-this is history in the makin'!"

Osamu nodded in agreement, though his lips twitched into a grin. "Man, the human-robot is showin' signs of life. What's next? Is he gonna fall in love?"

They shared a look of exaggerated horror, as if that thought was too much to handle, before continuing their covert surveillance of the scene. Every movement of Kita was met with their wide-eyed, over-the-top reactions, the two brothers clearly unable to process the sight of their typically expressionless captain acting in a way that was-dare they say-gentle.

Atsumu, still buzzing with disbelief, narrowed his eyes and grinned mischievously. "I'm gonna ambush them!" he declared, his voice low but filled with excitement. "We gotta catch 'em off guard. Imagine the look on Kita-san's face when we walk up and start teasin' him!"

Osamu grabbed his brother's arm just before he could make a move, shaking his head. "Oi, 'Tsumu, hold up," he whispered, his voice serious but with a hint of amusement. "Let's not ruin the moment. If we barge in now, Kita-san might shut down completely. We might never see him act like this again!"

Atsumu frowned, clearly eager to jump into action, but Osamu's suggestion made him pause. "So, what? We just stand here and do nothin'?"

Osamu smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief of their own. "Nah, we pretend we didn't see nothin'. Act like we're clueless. That way, we can watch the whole thing unfold and tease 'em later, when they least expect it."

We Don't Need (Things Like) Memories - KITA SHINSUKEWhere stories live. Discover now