Chapter 6: Phone Call

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I fought against the tangle of blankets and sheets wrapped around my flailing limbs, groaning tiredly as I finally felt the relief of cool air against my skin. I struggled to open my eyes, a mix of discontent at my lack of sleep, and also grogginess from the excessive drinking I had indulged in recently weighing on me.

I grabbed a pillow and pressed it against my face, trying to block out my blaring phone which had been ringing nonstop. After Peter banged on my wall from his bedroom, begging me to answer it, I sighed and sat up, watching the sheets gather at my waist as I leaned over to my bedside table. My fingers slowly grasped the cool metal of my phone, every muscle in my body screaming for me to lay back down and bury myself in my myriad of pillows. I fought against the urge and answered the unknown caller.


Just as I was about to hang up, I heard the person on the other end clear their throat and offer a soft, "Hello?"

I sighed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Uhhh, hi."

My voice was lower than usual, thick with exhaustion, and rough from not speaking.

I tapped my nails against the phone held to my ear, fed up with how long the other person was taking to reply.


"Yes," I answered abruptly with a roll of my eyes.

"I'm calling to offer you a—"

I scoffed. "Look lady, I'm not interested in whatever you're offering. I don't need life insurance, or a fucking magic toothbrush, or whatever it is you people are trying to sell me. I just want to go back to bed and sleep off this shitty hangover."


More silence.

"Okay I'm hanging up now," I announced, pulling my phone away from my ear and moving to press the end call button.

"Y/l/n, I swear to God if you hang up, I'm going to make sure Mrs. Abel fails you, and I'll personally tell your parents how much of a disappointment you are."

My finger hovered over red the red button, my eyebrows raised in confusion as I quickly brought the phone back up.

"Who is this?"

As if I didn't already know.

I heard her scoff on the other end. "I'm offended, y/n."

"Right, Mrs. Maximoff of course. Who else would call this early in the morning?"

"It's 11:00. I assumed a moral, ambitious, academic student such as yourself would be awake and studying for her test on Monday at this hour." I heard her chuckle, and my heart softened. I almost forgot how annoyed I had been at her, and then I remembered.

I suddenly stiffened, sitting up straight in my bed and lowering my voice in an attempt to sound unbothered.

"Why are you calling?"

My heart hammered in my chest as I waited for her answer. Surely it had to be something important if she'd so persistently called me until I answered.

She took a deep breath. "Well, as I was saying before I was so suddenly interrupted, I'm calling to offer you an internship and Maximoff & Associates."

I jumped out of bed so quickly I dropped my phone and had to scramble to pick it up again.

"WHAT!" I practically screamed, my eyes wide open as if they could fall right out of their sockets. I soon realised how unprofessional I had sounded, so I cleared my throat before questioning again. "Sorry, what?"

I heard a muffled sound that had to be a suppressed laugh on her end.

"I want you to intern at my company, y/l/n."

My smile was bigger than it had ever been as I slumped onto my bedroom floor, star-fishing while I stared up at the ceiling in disbelief.

"I mean, I'll have to check my calendar, but I'm definitely interested in your offer," I said nonchalantly, like I wasn't doing cartwheels in my mind like a child.

"Well, if your calendar isn't too busy, would you be able to come in today for a briefing like the other interns?"

I could hear her smile through the phone, it was completely disarming and unlike the woman I had learned to dispise.

"Maybe..." I slapped a hand over my face to get myself to calm down. "I guess I could."

With one final chuckle she uttered a "Good."

"See you later then," I smiled.

"Mhmm. Don't forget to drink lots of water, we don't want you to be too hungover on your first day."

And with that she hung up, leaving me completely embarrassed and gobsmacked.

The woman really knew how to make people utterly speechless.

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