Chapter Five: Payne Family

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Liam's POV

Frowning, I walk into E! Network's headquarters. An executive for the company wants to meet with the lads and I, but he didn't give a reason. He just told us to be here at noon, and I am right on time. Within a couple minutes, Zayn, Louis, Harry, and Niall join me in the lobby. We greet each other, making small talk as we wait for the executive to come down and take us to a conference room.

"How're Eleanor and the kids?" I ask Louis. His eyes are bloodshot, and he looks badly hungover. Everyone knows about his drinking problem, but like most alcoholics, he thinks that he has it in control and could stop downing all the booze at any moment, if he wanted to. He doesn't want to, and he couldn't even if he did, of course. Retiring definitely hasn't been easy for my dear friend.

"They're...good. Me and Ele...we' the beach this...weekend." Harry, Niall, Zayn, and I exchange glances but don't say anything.

"I wonder what this is all about. Just when people stop caring about us, eh?" Harry grins. He's right. We're slowly fading out of the spotlight. This is the first TV station to show interest in us since our retirement. They probably want us to promote them on social media, or something simple like that.

"Hi, sorry I'm late." We hear a female voice behind us and turn around. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Liz." She shakes each of our hands. She looks around 30, with short blond hair and bright blue eyes. Pretty, but I prefer girls with curly brown hair, if you know what I mean.

"The pleasure's all mine," Harry flirts, winking at the woman. Every single time...

"Let's go up to a conference room," Liz says, rolling her eyes at Harry's comment. We ride the elevator up to the sixteenth floor. When we get off, there are several conference rooms on the entire floor. Liz opens the door to the first one on the left. Three important-looking men in fancy business suits are seated at the large table. Off to the side, there are refreshments. I don't get anything, but of course Niall has to grab five cookies and two sodas.

One of the guys, David, is the CEO of E! Network. The other two, Tristan and Jacob, are executives like Liz. I guess one of them called us.

David waits for us to get situated before he begins speaking. "It's such an honor to have you boys meet with us today. My daughters are such big fans; they're gonna be so jealous when I tell them I met you today!" I laugh, and the executives laugh, but the lads look impatient. Sure, we used to have meetings like this all the time, but, so far, this guy isn't as bad as some of the bigheaded CEOs we've met with in the past. "So, the reason we called you in today is because, although One Direction is done, the public doesn't want to be done with you. They want more. We want more. Which is why we've pitched the idea for a reality show, starring you guys." David pauses to let that sink in. "The show would basically focus on your lives, what you're doing now that you're no longer a part of the most successful boy band of all time. We want your beautiful wives and children to have a big part in the show as well, because everyone just adores them.

"The show has a great slot: Tuesday nights at 8PM. Best time ever. Monday nights are too slow, Wednesday nights would conflict with church because we're targeting families, by Thursday, everyone's so exhausted that they don't feel like watching anything, and people go out on Fridays. Since our target audience is families, like I mentioned, 8PM is a great time, not too late.

"It's all up to you. I have the contract right here. If you sign today, we could start filming in each of your houses in under a month." David flashes us a smile so unnaturally bright that I think I need sunglasses.

The lads and I exchange glances. "Can we discuss this outside?" Niall asks.

"Sure! Of course, take as long as you need." David looks smug, like he already knows he has won us over.

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