who is liam?

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Poppie turns in her bed, half asleep and looks at the clock. "it's just eight." she mumbled to herself before realizing her new school starts at eight thirty. She jumps out of bed quickly, she's been homeschooled her whole life until her mom thought it would be good for her to get 'social' all of a sudden. She never actually met her real parents, apparently her mom died in some tragic fire and her dad was just...gone. She quickly puts on her signature jeans she constantly wears and her long sleeved crop top. She runs down stairs and sees her mom sipping coffee "why didn't you wake me up?!" she says, half annoyed, half excited for her first day, the whole reason she even got the idea to move to Beacon Hills was for her bestfriend, Madi. Madi and her practically grew up together but never met, this was going to be there first time! Poppie quickly rushes out into the passenger side of the car as her mom walks out behind her nonchalantly. Poppie rolls her eyes, "can i drive?" she says as her mom opens the driver door, her mom laughs sarcastically "nice try kiddo." poppie rolls her eyes "madi will drive me soon" Poppie mumbles as the car starts, and fails. Poppie slowly turns as her mom's ignition fails to start up. "You said you got that fixed..." poppie says. Her mom sighs, "yeah with what fuckin money?" Poppie rolls her eyes and gets out of the car, slamming the door. She pulls up directions on her phone to the high school and begins walking, minutes later she hears a car blasting Party In the USA, she turns around to see the car slow down, she raises and eyebrow as the car window goes down "need a ride?" a brown hair boy asks, in the drivers seat, now she doesn't usually take rides from strangers, but she was desperate. "where are you heading?" she said, still not in the car yet "To...school?" The boy replies, i rolled my eyes and nervously got in the car "thanks." she mumbled. she got in the back seat with a random brown haired boy, she could feel him staring at me, analyzing every part of me. "Not to sound like an asshole, but who exactly are you?" he yells over the music, the boy nexts to me asks as he hits the driver on the side of the head, signaling him to turn down the music. "i'm Poppie, Poppie Hale" The boy in the front, stops the car immediately, jerking everyone, she and the boy in the back seat, hitting their noses on the seats. The music COMPLETELY stops now. "poppie...WHO?" the driver says as poppie just looked confused as she make eye contact with the boy next to her "hales...?" The boys all look at each other, the driver clearing his throat and beginning to drive again. "so...who are you guys?" she says, breaking the silence, the driver says his name is Stiles, the boy in the passenger seat says his name Scott, and the boy next to her, giving off warm but husky vibes says his name is Liam, "liam" she says under my breath, testing out how his name feels on her lips, he slowly turns to her with a strange look on his face, she awkwardly looks away. Stiles clears his through "we...we're here." before stiles could finish his sentence, scott's booming voice chimes in "and we are about to fuck shit up, this is our second year playing lacrosse, and we are about to be better than ever!" i raise an eyebrow as i look at liam, as he rolls his eyes "bro it's nine in the morning please shut up." We all get out of the car as i lay eyes on madi, she looks shocked, shocked to see me, or shocked to see me getting out of the car with a bunch of random boys, she runs over to me and hugs me. "we have a lot to talk about." she says and she pulls away, the boys just stare. "what are you doing with..them?" madi asks, walking to their first classes, they got their schedules exactly alike to make things simpler for Poppie. "with who? those boys?" madi scoffs "they are barely even humans." madi mumbled, "That's a bit dark, who exactly even is all of those boys?" Madi sighs, "Stiles plays Lacrosse with scot, they've been bestfriends for as long as i could personally remember, and liam, is just popular, he also plays lacrosse with all of them though. But scott is the team leader." Madi yapped a lot, but Poppie just let her. They finally got to their first class, and they seen their teacher, Mrs Finch. Madi about tweaked when she seen that was going to be their bio teacher. "Hello girls, a bit late are we?" Madi rolls her eyes. "you. sit next to Liam." She says, pointing at poppie, she gulps, she walks over to liam and sits next to him at the conjoined desks "long time no see, hm?" Liam says, poppie looks over at him, he was already looking, their faces inches apart when all of a sudden madi plummets over, almost falling on top of Poppie, it was like she didn't want poppie anywhere near liam, that's weird, poppie thought. But i guess this whole high school is weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06 ⏰

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