A lament, alas!
I recall the truths that are not true,
How events truly transpired, askew,
Yet memory clings, a fading grasp.A sorrow, a regret,
For not intervening, alas,
Wishes whispered into the past,
Knowing adjustment comes at a cost, set.Honesty beckons within,
Untimely perhaps, yet not too late,
Breaking deals made, sealing fate,
Heart laid bare, defeated yet to begin.Departure looms, an unexpected course,
Ugliness unintended, a bitter remorse,
Confessions extracted, a heavy burden borne.
Echoes Of an Unbroken Heart
PoetryEchoes of an unbroken heart: A Collection of Romantic Woes Is a poignant collection of my poems that explores the bittersweet essence of love and longing. Each piece unveils the struggles, uncertainties, and profound emotions that accompany romanti...