This. Is. Stupid.

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Vriska's P.O.V.

This. Is. Stupid. Everything is stupid. This holiday is stupid. John and Tavros are stupid. THIS IS SO FUCKING STUPID!

Okay, yeah, sure. I like them 8oth as friends, and really just friends. Or do I like them more than I think? Ugh why does romance have to 8e so fucking complic8ed?

I keep walking when I see Rose and Kanaya sitting on a 8ench together up ahead.

"Hello vriska Care To Join Us" Kanaya asks.

"Sure. Why the fuck not?" I reply.

"Someone Is In A Bad Mood" Kanaya says.

"Yeah........ I guess........ It's just all this stupid shit with John and Tavros........" I say.

"That Is Unfortunate" Kanaya says.

"Yup. We'll see yeah guys l8er. I'm going to head 8ack to my hive. See yeah!" I said.

Sorry for the short chapter everyone. I've been busy. If you all were wondering I actually ship GamVris (OTP)! I feel like Vriska x Tavros is kinda dead...? If you're up to date with Homestuck of course than you can kinda see why. Anyways, I'll continue this story if you all want me too.

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