Chapter 27

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Silverwood Academy

The halls of Silverwood Academy gleamed with the glow of sunlight streaming through tall, arched windows. It was a place that felt as if it had been pulled from a fairytale—a setting of grandeur and grace, yet even here, students like Nyla found themselves singled out.

She sat quietly by her locker, her attention lost in a book. She didn’t seem to notice the approaching footsteps, the whispers, or the laughter that signaled trouble. But Frost saw it. Chelsea, with her perfectly styled hair and group of sycophants, was already making her way toward Nyla with an all-too-familiar smirk.

Frost’s chest tightened. He knew what was about to happen.

In a swift, deliberate motion, Chelsea knocked the book out of Nyla’s hands, sending it sliding across the polished floor. Nyla paused for a second, her fingers twitching before she bent down to retrieve the book, but Frost had already moved, stepping between Chelsea and Nyla before the situation could escalate.

“Back off, Chelsea,” Frost’s voice was firm as he stood protectively in front of Nyla.

Chelsea arched a brow, the cruel grin widening on her face. “Oh look, Frost to the rescue again. What is she? Your little princess now?”

His expression didn’t change, eyes cold as ice. “Does it matter? Leave her alone.”

Chelsea rolled her eyes, clearly uninterested in picking a fight she couldn’t win. With a huff, she turned to her friends and waved them off. “Whatever. You’re wasting your time with her.”

As Chelsea and her group moved away, Frost turned back to Nyla. She was gripping her book tightly against her chest, her expression a mix of embarrassment and gratitude.

“You alright?” Frost asked, his voice softer now.

Nyla nodded but avoided his gaze. “Yeah. Thanks.”

Dave appeared from around the corner, having seen the exchange, and shook his head with a small grin. “You’re gonna get yourself in trouble one of these days, Frost.”

Frost shrugged. “Worth it.”


It was the day after graduation, the sun warm but the air heavy with goodbyes. Nyla stood in the courtyard of Silverwood Academy, where laughter and nostalgia floated through the air as students said their final farewells. She had assumed, or rather convinced herself, that there would be more time. Frost had always been unpredictable, but leaving immediately? She hadn’t thought he’d actually go so soon.

“I’ll see you around,” Frost had said the day before, brushing off the weight of their conversation with his signature half-smirk. Nyla had thought it was just Frost being his usual self, distancing himself from sentiment. But now, as she watched the other students drift away, Frost was nowhere to be found.

Dave had been standing beside her, sensing the shift in her mood. He knew Frost was leaving sooner than she expected. He knew, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell her. He watched her eyes scan the area, searching for Frost, the familiar tension building in his chest.

Then, she saw him.

Frost was by the entrance, a bag slung over his shoulder, his expression unreadable. Nyla's heart clenched as she took a step toward him, but before she could call out, he turned and walked away without looking back. The gate closed behind him, leaving Nyla standing frozen in place.

She hadn’t realized until that moment just how much she relied on his presence. Even in his coldness, there was comfort. And now, he was gone.


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