Chapter 21

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I tried to avoid eye contact with Janica as she nudged me for the tenth time that night. “Come on, Nyla! It’s just one drink. Loosen up a little, will you?” she urged, holding up a champagne flute in one hand and wiggling her eyebrows mischievously.

I shook my head, laughing lightly. “Janica, you know I don’t drink. I’ve got work tomorrow, and I—”

“It’s one drink!” she interrupted, leaning in closer, her voice dripping with playful insistence. “You’re all dolled up, looking like a goddess in that gown, and you’re telling me you won’t even celebrate a little? What’s the harm? Plus, it’s not like he is watching.”

I glanced around nervously, knowing exactly who she meant by he. Frost. Dr. Kael. Whatever I was supposed to call him in this environment. But the truth was, whether or not he was watching, I wasn’t comfortable letting loose like Janica wanted me to.

“I don’t know, Janica—”

Before I could finish, she cut me off again. “No excuses, Nyla. Just one! After everything you’ve been through, you deserve to relax a little. We can make it fun.” She waved over a waiter, handing me a glass.

I sighed, accepting it but not taking a sip. “I’m serious, Janica. I’m not in the mood for drinks tonight.”

Janica raised her glass, a devilish grin on her face. “You say that now, but in five minutes, you’ll be thanking me.”

I stared down at the champagne, watching the bubbles rise and burst softly. Janica meant well, but I knew my limits. Still, I couldn’t help but feel a little out of place at this event—dressed up, surrounded by successful people, and caught between two worlds: the one I had known with Frost and this new territory with Dave.

"Cheers, Nyla!" Janica chimed, nudging me gently. I sighed, raising the glass but still hesitating. Maybe just one sip wouldn’t hurt, right?

I gave in, taking a small sip of the champagne, figuring it wouldn't hurt. But somehow, that one sip turned into a full glass. Janica’s laughter was infectious, and before I knew it, she had ordered something else—a blue drink that shimmered like it was made of magic.

“Try this one,” she said, sliding the glass toward me with a wicked smile. “It’s called Blue Lagoon. Trust me, you’ll love it.”

I hesitated again, eyeing the vibrant color. “Janica, I really don’t—”

“Come on, just a little bit more. It's not that strong!” she teased, taking a sip of her own. “It’s refreshing. Think of it as a celebration drink. You deserve this.”

I sighed, feeling the slight warmth from the champagne already settling in my chest. “Fine, but just a little,” I muttered.

I took a cautious sip, and to my surprise, the sweetness and the citrusy punch were…good. Too good. So I drank a little more, feeling the alcohol slide down smoother than expected.

One drink became two.

By the time I finished the second one, I started feeling light, my head a bit fuzzy. Janica was grinning from ear to ear, clearly proud of herself for getting me to loosen up. "See, isn't this more fun?" she beamed.

I giggled—actually giggled. “I don’t know why I let you talk me into this,” I said, my voice a little more slurred than usual.

Janica winked. "Because you needed it, my friend. Now, just relax and enjoy the night."

But as I stood there, trying to focus, I realized the alcohol had hit me harder than I expected. Everything around me seemed to glow a little brighter, and I felt the room spinning just slightly. I leaned on the table, suddenly very aware of how my body was reacting.

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