There are hints.
Hints that will lead you to other's message board.
Every day, there will be 1 hint.
So, for example, Hint 1 leads you to @Xyz_Random_User 's account.
That means you HAVE to follow that person until the scavenger hunt is over.
You can unfollow @Xyz_Random_User after the hunt is over.
So, hint 1 leads you to the random user's account.
You follow them.
The next day, there will be a hint on their account.
It could be in one of their books, which would be kind of related to the previous hint.
The next day, there will be a hint on Random's account.
These hints are called the "official hints".
They are like the "main quest".
And there will also be side quests, on my profile or on some random profile, where you can get more information about me.
For example, like my fandoms or my favorite singer etc.
These will be called "side quests", which give you small details that can help you guess me faster.
Remember, you HAVE to follow the profile on Main quest hints.
You don't HAVE TO follow the profiles where you find side quest hints.
You will get Hint No. 1 on the next part.
Mysterious Scavenger Hunt [MSH]
Misterio / SuspensoTo officially participate in this scavenger hunt, please read this book