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You stand there. Completely frozen. Expecting to not see this gorgeous man standing before you, expecting it all to just be a dream. You were so stunned, not knowing what to say and quickly realising you probably looked a bit silly.

"Hello neighbour" Mark's voice was so much more beautiful in person than in videos.
H...hi. I'm y/n, and I... I just moved.... here" you stammered, barely able to control your shaking. Mark smiled at you.
"Relax. I'm not that bad!"

You laughed.

"You know my name, what's yours?" You ask, smirking at him as he smiled and bit his lip, you went weak at the knees. A thousand butterflies going crazy in your stomach, fluttering uncontrollably.

"You have the shirt, you know who I am you silly poop" he had such a huge and gorgeous smile on his face.

"Well, yeah, I know MARKIPLIER. But I don't know Mark at all. Heck, that might not even be your real name!" You felt a lot more calm now, he was surprisingly easy to talk to.
"Wow. I have had hardly anyone say that, if I ever meet a fan they see me as the guy I am on camera, not behind it. I mean I'm not complaining in any way, I adore my fans with every little piece of my heart, but it sure is nice when someone actually wants to know ME" you couldn't help but smile, the man you had admired for two years, the man who you watched every single day whenever he uploaded a new video, the man who had helped you through so much in these two years, was standing right there in front of you. The real live Mark, there. Talking to you like a friend. You closed your eyes for a second and opened them again. It wasn't a dream. This was actually happening. You went on to make your little speech.
"Well, I think a lot of people fail to realise that you guys actually have lives outside of YouTube, and it's quite sad really. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of people who do realise it, but so many people don't. We only know Markiplier in your videos, we don't know Mark at all" you caught his eye and he was smiling, but nodding as he listened intently.

"Sorry, I'm rambling. I do that" you shook your head.
"It's fine. I do that too!"

There was silence as you smiled at each other for a second. You thought it was a long shot, but you went for it anyway.
"I don't suppose you want to..... come in? For a cup of tea or something? We could talk more, I'd like that"

Mark smiled that beautiful smile again and nodded.
"I'd like that too, y/n"

You lead him up to your apartment and told him to make himself at home.

*******later, sitting watching frozen******

"Wow, you're from Y/H/T eh? Awesome place" Mark seemed very interested in you at this point, and you had decided to sit and watch frozen together while drinking your tea, you ordered a pizza and had learnt that he lived just three floors up from you.

"Yeah, not if you grew up there" you said sarcastically. At that point Simba entered the room, looking at you with his head tilted. Mark saw him.
"Awww, what a cute kitty! Why is it looking at us like that?"
"Thank you, his name is Simba. And a few years back some horrible kid threw a rock at him, it left him permanently brain damaged" you explained, as Simba made himself comfortable on your lap and you pet him.
"That's awful, I'm sorry to hear" Mark's voice was comforting.
"Aw, he's okay. He's a little broken but he is still his normal crazy self" you and Mark looked at each other, smiling, you almost got lost in his eyes as you felt those thousand butterflies return, you felt a little sick as they danced around each other.
"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight" comes from the TV, you see Mark's face light up with glee and he bounced up and down like a child.
"Aw, this is the best part! Come on, we gotta sing!"

You chuckled at this silly man child singing let it go. You knew all the words and you love the movie, so you sang along with Mark, still feeling the butterflies.

*Artwork by chicken2701 on deviantart*

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