Not yet

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I tensed involuntarily. "Be with you?" I asked, unsure if I wanted to know where this conversation was headed.

Mason's expression remained hard and his arms were still crossed over his chest as he looked at me. "Yeah. You're not just here for the moment. You belong to us now."

I froze, my mind already starting to spin. Belong? The word felt heavy and suffocating. "I'm not some possession," I shot back frustrated. "You can't just decide that."

Lincoln sighed and leaned forward as if trying to soften the tension in the room. "It's not about control or ownership, Emmy. It's about protection: our protection. You're with us now, and that means you're under our care." He said as his eyes locked with me. "We need you to trust us."

Trust? I wanted to laugh, but the seriousness of the moment pressed down on me, leaving no room for jokes. "And if I don't?" I ask barely above a whisper.

Mason stepped closer again, his eyes dark and unyielding. "Then we'll make sure you understand. One way or another." His words carried a dangerous promise one that made my heart race and my stomach twist.

Lincoln placed a hand on Mason's shoulder, as if to keep him in check, but his gaze never wavered from me. Silently talking as though it would happen but let's try this approach."This isn't a threat, Emmy. It's reality. You're with us, and we're not going to let anything happen to you."

A cold shiver ran down my spine as I realized how much control they truly had over my life now. swallowed hard, trying to keep the rising fear at bay.

"I don't know if I can trust you," I admit.

Mason smirked. "You will. Eventually."

Lincoln nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Just give us a chance, Emmy. We're not your enemies. But things will be different now." He leaned back, folding his arms. "You're safe with us, but you need to understand we have rules you'll have to follow."

My pulse quickened at the thought. Rules? What kind of rules did they mean?

"What rules?" I ask confused my eye brows furrowing together the words slipping out before I could stop them.

Mason stepped even closer. "You'll find out soon enough." His eyes a mixture of amusement and something darker. "But don't worry, we'll make sure you learn them."

I felt the weight of their words making it hard to breathe. There was no escaping them, not in this condition. I was trapped, and they knew it.

Lincoln glanced at Mason before turning back to me. "For now, just focus on getting better. We'll talk about everything else when you're ready."

I wanted to argue, to protest, but deep down, I knew there was no point. I wasn't strong enough to fight them not physically, not emotionally. Not yet.

I nod slowly,

For now, I thought, Lincoln's words repeating in my head. For now, I would play along. But I wouldn't give in. Not completely.

As Mason turned back to sharpening his knife, and Lincoln resumed tending to the fire.

But one thing was certain: I was walking a dangerous line with these men. And sooner or later, I would have to make a choice—one that could either save me or destroy me.

The fire crackled softly, and for a while, there was only the sound of rain hitting the roof and the occasional scrape of Mason's knife against the stone as he sharpened it. I stared into the flames, my mind racing. Every muscle in my body was tense, and the weight of their words sat heavily on my shoulders. Rules. Belonging to them. It was overwhelming, but I had to stay composed, had to figure out what they wanted from me.

Lincoln broke the silence first. "You're thinking too much again, Emmy," he said, not looking up from the fire. "It's not as complicated as you're making it."

I shifted uncomfortably, my ankle still aching. "It's hard not to overthink when you keep telling me I have no choice but to stay with you," I mutter under my breath.

Mason let out a low chuckle, setting the knife down and stretching out his legs. "You do have a choice," he said smoothly. "But staying with us is the smartest one."

I turned to face him, my jaw tightening. "And what happens if I don't want to stay? What if I decide to leave once I'm healed?"

Mason's eyes darkened instantly, the amusement fading. "Then we stop you."

I looked between the two of them, my breath quickening at anger and frustration runs through my veins. "I don't belong to you," I said quietly but firmly. "I didn't ask for this."

Mason crouched down in front of me, his eyes locking onto mine. "You don't need to ask for something that's already yours. We made this choice for you because it's what you need. What you deserve. Before we took you in when was the last time you had ate?"

Truth was maybe a week and a half.

His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I hated how powerless I felt. They were relentless—unyielding. Part of me wanted to fight back, to scream, but another part of me, the exhausted and broken part, wanted to give in. To let them take the weight off my shoulders, even if it meant surrendering to their control.

Lincoln must have sensed my hesitation because he knelt down beside Mason, his voice softening. "Look, we know it's hard to accept, especially after everything you've been through. But we're offering you more than just survival. We're offering you a place to belong."

I swallowed hard, my throat dry. "What does that even mean?" I asked, my voice small. "Belong to you? How does that work?"

Mason leaned in closer, his voice a whisper. "It means we take care of you. In every way. You'll have what you need, but in return, you follow our rules. Our protection comes at a price, Emmy."

My heart pounded in my chest, the words heavy with implication. "And if I don't?"

Lincoln's eyes softened, but there was a warning beneath his gentle tone. "Then you face the consequences."

Mason's hand brushed against my cheek, his fingers surprisingly gentle for someone who had just been threatening me. "You'll learn to trust us. To depend on us." His voice sent a strange mixture of fear and warmth through me, and I hated that part of me was drawn to his intensity.

That I had been so isolated the feeling oh his hand on my cheek felt nice.

I should not feel like this.

"I need time," I whisper starting to feel like the walls were closing in.

Lincoln nodded. "Time is something we can give. But remember, Emmy, there's no going back once you're with us."

I stared at them both, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Could I survive with them? Did I even have a choice?

I make a move to get up and grab the blanket so I can use the restroom.

Stumbling a bit.

Mason held his hand out seeing my struggles.

Reluctantly, I reached for his hand, feeling the warmth of his grip as he steadied me. The room seemed to spin for a moment, and I grabbed onto his arm for support. He smirked with amusement. "See? You already need us."

I huffed, annoyed at the truth of his words. But as I took a shaky step forward, the pain in my ankle flaring up again, I realized just how trapped I was.

For now, I would have to play by their rules. But I wasn't going to let them break me.

Not yet.

Bound in Desire: Love's Dark Hold Amidst the Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now