Short Story: Prometheus

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"Do you know the tale of Prometheus? I doubt it, your kind has no appreciation for such tales. Prometheus was our creator, out of mud and clay he sculpted us to be his children. The titan loved us, when the gods had refused us the gift of fire he stole it from them, so that we could wield it for ourselves."

Klaus rambled on to the bound imp while he worked. Imps were a fascinating breed, having complete immunity to fire. Bathe them in napalm and they wouldn't have so much as a scorch mark. Such creatures sickend him the moment he tried to melt them. Fire was the consumer of all, how dare these infernal cockroaches defy it.

"When Zeus had found out about Prometheus' actions he had him chained to a mountain. Forever would he be bound there, every day an eagle would tear into him and steal his liver. Even so he regretted nothing, and with his gift of fire he gave us warmth, sustenance and power. The power to bring mother nature herself to her knees, the power to blot out suns with ash and soot, the power to destroy all!"

The imp rolled its eyes, the lunatic had been at it for weeks trying to burn him. Never worked of course but he just kept at it. He'd had the imp strapped to a table for about a week at this point, the table was scorched black.

"We became wielders of the flame, but not masters. Fire can be coralled but never controlled." Klaus grabbed hold of an angelic dagger and placed it inside a vice. "Even weaponized, no one is exempt from being consumed. Except for your infernal kind imp."

Klaus glared at the imp, his voice dripping with venom. "Your kind think that themselves immune to the consumer of all, but no. I shall see to it that your kind may feel the agony of immolation!" Klaus got closer and closer with each pause until he was right in front of the imp. Klaus grabbed the imp by the face "You should be afraid, you're made out of meat."

Despite the morbidness of Klaus' threat the imp was more pissed off than scared. Psychos and mad scientists were a dime a dozen down in hell. Klaus returned to the bend and grabbed a large pair of pliers. He clamped them down on the blade of the angelic dagger and began yanking until finally.


A decent piece of the blade was broken off, "Perfect". Klaus dropped the piece into his hand and grabbed a glass beaker of some liquid. Grabbing some tongs, Klaus carefully inserted the fragment into the beaker. One it made contact with the liquid it began dissolving rapidly. Once there was nothing left Klaus grabbed a vial of some other chemical and poured it in slowly. The once bubbling chemicals gradually disappeared and the liquid inside glowed a faint grey color.

"Yes....very good." Klaus' whispered, his voice a faded breath. Klaus then grabbed a large beaker filled with a gel like substance. Klaus carefully poured the contents of the smaller beaker in and stirred the solution together. After a few minutes the gel like substance became a near nean white glow.

"Yeees!" Klaus' excitment palpable, like Frankenstein reanimating a corpse. Klaus grabbed a small metal tank placing it on a stand and inserting a funnel. He then poured the heavenly jello into the tank, stopping once he had poured enough. Klaus grabbed a strange torch looking weapon and inserted the tank.

Klaus pointed the crisper at the imp and squeezed the trigger and with a bright flash out came a stream of white fire. The fire was all condensed into a straight flowing stream, almost like a blowtorch. Something with the defeating power and area coverage as napalm, alongside the control of a blowtorch, "YES!"

The flame made contact with the imp and it was engulfed in a white light. It could hardly scream as it's entire body was melted by the holy flame. Klaus watch the imps body be consumed by white light and heat, creating a glowing white silhouette. Struggling ceased almost immediately, the imps muscles having been charred. After a few momentss the white silhouette dissolved, leaving only glowing ashes and embers behind.

"I've done it....." Klaus' voice shake with a wildfire of emotions. "III'VE DONE IT!" Klaus cackled, he had done it. He had crated something that could burn the hell's and scorch the heavens. He had become the flames one true master.

He had become         Prometheus

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08 ⏰

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