Phase 13

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     Selene woke late in the afternoon the next day. Though she woke up late she could still feel the exhaustion from the tears she shed the night before. She rubbed her eyes with her knuckles and when her vision cleared she noticed every one of her cats sleeping on the bed with her. Rosko, Annie, and all four kittens were lying around the bed, mostly cuddled close to one another. That put a smile on Selene's face, but inside she was still torn up from Aviva's rejection.
     Instead, to keep her mind off Aviva, Selene decided to focus on the fact that she couldn't hide from the kittens anymore. Now that they could get up onto the bed, Selene didn't have a safe haven. Selene sighed and thought about getting a taller bed frame, but then that wouldn't solve the problem. The kittens would only get larger and would be able to get anywhere. With a shake of her head, Selene got out of bed, managing not to wake the kittens, so she could take a shower. She wanted to try and wash off the sting of rejection, which reared its ugly head again, though she didn't think a shower would get rid of it. But she thought it might help, if only slightly. Selene spent almost an hour under the hot stream of water, simply standing there and letting the heat scald her skin. It burned but it was a great distraction.
     By the time Selene left the bathroom, her skin was bright red and steaming. She used extra lotion to try and get rid of the damage her shower did and hoped she didn't dry out. For her own safety from the kittens she wore clothes, though she would have liked to be naked. With nothing else to do, and needing something to keep her occupied, Selene went out. She didn't know what her destination was, she just wanted to be gone.
Selene ended up in front of Bobby's house. It made her realize how truly alone she was. She only had one person to turn to. Not bothering to call or text to see if Bobby was home, Selene made her way to the front door and rang the doorbell. Darla answered the door with one of her kids in her arms and another peeking out behind her legs.
     "Selene?" Darla was surprised. "What are you doing here? Is something wrong?"
     Selene chuckled nervously. "No, no. Nothing like that. I was just, uh, in the neighborhood..." She rubbed the back of her neck. "I don't know. I just wanted to get out. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you or anything. I'll just go."
     Darla pushed open the door with her foot. "No offense, but you look terrible. Come inside."
     Selene smiled thinly and squeezed passed Darla and her kids, making her way into their home. Darla sat Selene down in the dining room then sent her kids off to play while the adults talked.
     "Have you eaten yet?" Darla asked, already knowing Selene's odd meal time schedule since it was the same as Bobby's. When Selene shook her head, Darla went off to the kitchen to fetch a snack. She came back into the dining room with two cups of chocolate pudding and sliced apples on a paper plate. "Sorry, this is what the kids had for lunch. I can make something else if you want."
     Selene took the offered foods. "No, it's okay. This is fine. I'm not going to trouble you." She opened up a pudding cup and dipped an apple slice into it. It was tasty enough to keep eating. "Is Bobby home?"
     Darla opened her own pudding cup. "Yeah. He's sleeping. Do you want me to get him for you?"
     "No, that's okay. Honestly, I wasn't expecting anything. I don't even know why I came over."
     Darla gave Selene a sympathetic look. "Is it because of Aviva?" When Selene looked down at her apple slices, Darla placed her hand over Selene's. "Bobby told me everything. I hope you don't mind. He just really cares about you and it worries him."
     "It's fine, and I appreciate it. It is about Aviva, yeah."
     "Did something happen? Bobby said you two were talking again."
     "No, yeah, we were- are, I think." Selene shrugged and bit into an apple slice covered in pudding. "I'm stressing a bit, is all."
     "What happened. Or do you not want to talk about it?"
     Selene sighed. "We were talking last night over the phone, getting some stuff out in the open, and when I tried to tell her how I feel about her she just... hung up on me."
     "Hung up?" Darla leaned back into her chair and crossed her legs, locking her fingers around her knee. "Just like that? She didn't say anything?"
     "No. Right in the middle of my plea, she hung up."
     "Hm." Darla puckered her lips and watched Selene finish off her apple slices. "Maybe it was just too much for her."
     "What if it's because she doesn't feel the same way?"
     Darla uncrossed her legs, leaned forward, placed her elbows on her knees, and let her hands fall on Selene's thigh. "Honey, there's no way she doesn't feel the same."
     Selene felt a little safer under Darla's touch. "How can you be sure?"
     Smiling, Darla squeezed Selene's thigh. "Remember when you were in the hospital? I got to see Aviva while you were bedridden. She had nothing but love in her eyes for you, Selene. I could feel how much she loved you. It only grew, sweetie. When Bobby, the kids, and I came over to visit you two it was like you guys were married. I've never seen a woman so happy before. I don't even think I was that happy with that huge bear lying in my bed right now." She laughed. "Look, Aviva would go to the ends of the earth for you. It's understandable that she's trying to distance herself from you. She knows you messed up really, really, really, badly, but she still loves you. That love doesn't just go away. Those conflicting feelings have to be a battle for her."
     Selene placed her hand over Darla's. "I could have used you at the beginning of all this instead of that stupid bear."
     Darla sat back in her chair and laughed. She placed her still full pudding cup inside Selene's empty one and put that on the paper plate. "Give her time. From what I heard, she gave you time to sort your things out. It's only fair to give her the same luxury."
     Selene nodded. She had to agree with that statement. Aviva was absolutely patient, even when she was tearing herself apart over Selene's unwillingness to give. Selene hated herself for taking advantage of that patience.
     "Hey. You havin' a party without me?"
     Bobby padded into the dining room and smiled. He was wearing plaid pajama bottoms and no shirt, his hair unruly. He gave Darla a kiss and stood by her side, watching Selene.
     "Come here from some advice?" he asked, playfully.
     Selene rolled her eyes. "Not from you. Darla made me realize how much better she is at this stuff than you. From now on, I think i'm going to make Darla my number one friend."
     Bobby clutched his breast while Darla giggled. She elbowed him in the stomach to get him to stop being overdramatic and, like the good man he was, did as she wanted. Bobby sat at the table and dipped one of his fingers into Darla's pudding cup.
     "Why don't you stay for a while?" Bobby licked his finger clean. "I'm assuming you're here because of Aviva."
     Selene nodded. "I already explained it to Darla. Honestly, I'm not up for telling it all again. I just want to forget. It's the whole reason I came over. Or at least it's how I ended up here."
     "I understand." Bobby ate more of the pudding, squeezing the cup to get to the good stuff. "Well, now that I'm up, we can hang out. Wanna go for a swim?" He turned to Darla. "What do you think? Go for a swim? I'll get the kids ready and you can find a suit for Selene."
     Darla agreed, as did Selene. Bobby went off to prepare the kids while Darla took Selene to find a bathing suit. Darla gave up one of her bathing suits for Selene to wear then gathered some towels and took Selene to the backyard. They swam a few laps in sync before Bobby showed himself with the kids decked out in floaties. Darla took charge of the youngest and sat on the top pool step to keep her kid from getting hurt while Bobby played with the eldest in the shallow end of the pool. Selene sat next to Darla and splashed a little water at the child bouncing between Darla's legs. Selene enjoyed being with others now, having fun with people she knew. Darla and Bobby were a perfect couple with the perfect family. Selene was slightly jealous but was happy for them and their life together.
     When the kids were pruny, everyone got out of the pool and lounged in the sun for a while. Selene was glad for it, too, since her skin tanned, even if it was only a little. At least she wasn't so pale anymore. Darla gave Selene a change of clothes then Selene played around with the kids, mostly tag, until late in the day. When the kids were tuckered out Darla put them to bed, then the adults sat around and watched some television while they ate dinner, which Darla so graciously cooked. Selene felt properly fed and of a better state of mind by the time she felt she had more than overstayed her welcome. She knew Bobby and Darla were okay with having her over but she still wanted to give them their alone time, especially since Bobby would have to leave for work. Selene thanked Bobby and Darla profusely for allowing her to stay in their home for as long as she did. Darla called nonsense and actually asked Selene to stay the night for girls time, which Bobby fully supported. Selene politely declined and gave them both long hugs before going on her way. She felt much better and sang along to the radio as she drove through the night.
     When she arrived at her building she was surprised to find another car sitting in her headlights. Selene pulled up behind it and recognized the car as the Camaro she bought Aviva so long ago. Selene's heart thumped in her chest. She was quick to jump out of her car and step up to the Camaro, but no one was inside. She looked towards her buildings front door and still didn't find Aviva. Confused and somewhat saddened, Selene went inside. She almost yelped in surprise at finding Aviva sitting on the living room couch, waiting.
     "You left your door unlocked," Aviva said.
     Selene dropped her purse next to her bed. "Yeah. I do that sometimes. No one ever comes out here anyway, so..."
     Aviva grunted. She stood and crossed her arms over her chest. "Where were you? I've been waiting for hours."
     Aviva's jaw twitched. "Yes. I've been here almost half the day." She licked her lips and cocked her head, annoyed. "Were you lying to me?"
     Selene froze and thought back to their previous exchanges. She didn't think she had lied about anything. "About what?"
     "When you said you weren't seeing someone. You were rarely out during the day, and when you were it was definitely not for this long."
     Selene sighed in relief. "Oh, I was with Bobby and Darla." She dug into her purse and pulled out the clothes she had left the house in. "See? We went swimming with the kids."
     Aviva's ears burned in embarrassment. She couldn't help but still be suspicious. "Sorry."
     Selene threw her clothes in her laundry basket. "It's okay. It's understandable." She turned to Aviva. "So, what are you doing here?" She felt defensive, still remembering that Aviva had hung up and ignored her feelings.
     "You weren't answering your phone."
     "Oh." Selene glanced towards the pieces of what used to be her cell phone lying on the floor, which she had yet to clean up.
     "I thought you were ignoring me," Aviva went on. "You can't ignore me if I'm in front of you."
     "Well, what do you want to say?" Selene couldn't keep the edge out of her voice.
     Aviva cocked a hip. "What? So now you're mad at me? You were just telling me how you wanted me."
     "That was before you hung up on me and completely disregarded how I felt- feel."
     "That was not my intention."
     "What was your intention?"
     Aviva sighed and tightened her grip on herself. "Nothing. I mean... I was overwhelmed."
     "Do you really hate me that much?"
     "As a matter of fact, I don't. You're being really sensitive about this. Honestly, I think this is the most emotional I've ever seen you."
     Aviva smiled and dropped her arms. "Come here."
     Selene stiffened. She didn't know what was happening and her first thought was that Aviva wanted to hit her. "What?"
     "Come. Here."
     Narrowing her eyes, Selene took a step towards the living room. She wished the kittens would show themselves and diffuse the situation. Unfortunately, they didn't reveal themselves or even make a peep. Selene took another cautious step forward, making Aviva roll her eyes. Aviva shortened the space between them and made her way to the bedroom. Selene stood stock still, growing frigid to prepare for a possible blow. She looked down at Aviva and found a glowing face smiling up at her. She opened her mouth to ask what was happening and had her face pulled down before she could utter a word. Aviva pressed her lips to Selene's, smiling into the kiss as Selene squeaked in confusion.
     When Aviva pulled back, Selene licked her lips and almost toppled over. She was absolutely giddy. "W-what was that, uh, for?"
     Aviva kept Selene hunched over and their lips close. "Like I said, I was overwhelmed, and not because I hate you. It's just that I... you've never expressed how you felt about me like that before. It caught me off guard and, honestly, it scared me."
     "It scared you?"
     "Yes. I was reluctant to forgive you and when you said those things... it made me realize how much I want to be with you."
     Selene couldn't help but grin. "You want to be with me?"
     "Yes, stupid." Aviva kissed Selene again, pulling the woman down, and not bothering to get on tiptoes. If Selene truly wanted it, she'd come and get it. And Selene did.
     Aviva pushed Selene down onto the bed and jumped on her. She wanted to go further, much, much, further, but she wanted her heart to be safe, too. She pegged Selene's arms to the bed with her knees. Biting her lip, Aviva rested her hand on Selene's throat. She squeezed softly, making her grip snug. "I want to know that what we have is honest. No more lies? No more secrets?"
     Selene lifted her hips slightly and licked her lips, not even trying to free herself from Aviva's hold. Her arousal outweighed her surprise at Aviva's blatant display of dominance. "No lies. No secrets."
     Breathing harder, Aviva slid her hand up and grabbed Selene's jaw, and turned Selene's head to the side in one quick motion. Aviva leaned down and hovered her mouth over Selene's ear. "Can you touch me now without feeling guilty? You better not lie to me..."
     "No guilt. I want you. I need you. I can touch you now with a clear head." Selene could still feel Aviva's breath caressing her ear. "You know everything."
     Aviva sat up slowly and straddled Selene properly, letting Selene's arms free. Aviva moved her hand to Selene's mouth. She latched onto Selene's chin, slipping two fingers into Selene's mouth for a better hold. Selene could taste Aviva's fingers, and she waited patiently for what would happen next.
     "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this," Aviva murmured, enjoying the feel of Selene's tongue. "And I do not want you to have me like one of your... clients. Do you understand?" She took her fingers out of Selene's mouth to allow Selene to respond.
     Selene nodded and licked her lips. "What do you want?"
     "I'm not a one night stand and I will not be treated like one. You're not going to fuck me, Selene, you're going to make love to me. Can you do that? Or have you been too tainted?"
     Growling, Selene sat up to make herself face to face with Aviva. Aviva only smirked. "Ah, ah," she tutted, placing a hand on Selene's chest and not backing down from Selene's stare. "That's not an answer."
     Selene wasn't sure what to say. If she said the wrong thing, Aviva would most likely leave. But that jab... Selene most certainly was not tainted, and she was going to prove it. She gently kissed Aviva on the lips and held on to Aviva's hips.
     "You're my first," Selene whispered, a smile playing on her lips.
     Aviva rolled her eyes. "Please. We both know that's not true."
     "Yeah, but you're the first person I'm going to make love to. You're right. You're not a one night stand, and you deserve much better. I'm going to be honest, I never thought I'd find someone who I could make love to, who I wanted to make love to."
     Aviva's eyes glossed over. She locked her fingers behind Selene's neck. "You mean it?"
     "I've never been more honest."
     Taking a deep breath, and trying not to ruin the moment by crying, Aviva smiled. "I'm trusting you right now. Don't you dare betray that."
     "I won't," Selene promised. She wrapped her arms around Aviva and brought the woman as close as possible, glad that it was allowed. She dragged herself further onto the bed, taking Aviva with her, and laid down. Her heart beat rapidly. She was overjoyed to be given the chance to show Aviva her feelings through touch. So she went slow. She placed Aviva comfortably and crawled between Aviva's legs. She kissed Aviva softly and passionately, not stopping until Aviva was clawing for the removal of clothes. Selene obliged, carefully slipping Aviva's clothes off, and attached her mouth to every new inch of exposed skin. Aviva trembled under the treatment.
     Moving lower, Selene pressed her mouth to Aviva's stomach and ran her hands down Aviva's sides. Aviva was insecure about that, but Selene was so sweet, so kind, that she let loose and enjoyed her own body as much as Selene was. And Selene was truly having fun. She dragged her tongue along the path above Aviva's pubic hair and slid down Aviva's pants. Never had she had more fun hearing caught breath and tiny, shy, bit back moans. Then she crawled up and nuzzled Aviva's neck, wanting to enjoy the woman a little more before things got well and truly out of control.
     Aviva clutched Selene's fit body the way she had always wanted to, the way she had fantasized about countless times in the past. "Are we really doing this?" she breathed directly into Selene's ear. She couldn't believe it was happening. Her skin was hot and there was a pulse between her legs that Selene's still body was only intensifying.
     Selene rotated her hips just right, and Aviva sucked in a breath between her teeth. Selene grinned as the arms around her tightened. "We are. Do you still want to?"
     Sliding her hands up, Aviva cradled Selene's face and kissed her. "Yes. God, yes." She tasted Selene's tongue and moaned, light headed already. Foreplay was enough. She wanted more of Selene. Much, much more.
     Sensing the urgency, Selene practically tore off her own clothes to be just as naked as Aviva. She pressed their bodies together and her eyes screwed shut at the sensation. She was an expert, extremely experienced at the art of sex, but in this moment, she was too hot and too wet. She was completely immersed in everything Aviva. It was fantastic.
     Dipping her head, Selene growled and rubbed herself against Aviva. They groaned in tandem, hands clutching at whatever they could, and begged each other for more. Selene bit her lip, almost drawing blood, to remain levelheaded. She wanted to give Aviva everything for their first time. She wanted to make this special. So she spread Aviva's legs and, just as she promised so long ago, gave Aviva the ride of her life.

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