Chapter Twenty-Seven: Triumph

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Prince Cyros and his brother Arynout were facing certain doom. Arynout had instructed their men to form a fishhook pattern to try and cover as much of the small hill that was now their final refuge.

Wyllym of Bardon positioned his troops below them, preparing for an assault. General Malyyk had joined him. The combined forces represented an insurmountable chance of survival.

All the pieces looked to be in place for both sides, but it is often in the waiting that your mind gets defeated. Fear runs rampant the more a mind is allowed to linger. Cyros and his troops had steel looks in their eyes. Ayrnout's leadership had inspired them to make a brave last stand. They wouldn't go out easily.

Arynout shouted, "Hold your nerve at all costs, men. Fight to the end and die with honor. I shall be there with you. Together to the end."

Just like that, the enemy opened hell on them. Arrows came flying into their position, and then Wyllym of Bardon led a brutal charge of their left flank. General Malyyk was leading a heavy assault on the right flank.

General Malyyk was leading, targeting the hook in the fishhook line of Arynout's troops. At the same time, Wyllym was looking to split the line from the left. They were trying to divide Cyros's men at weak points.

"Cyros! I need you to engage General Malyyk. Alleviate the pressure on the right flank." Arynout shouted at him.

Cyros pointed his sword down the slope of the hill and rushed to the bottom. Cyros had to cut through enemy soldiers as he did so, but they were mere flies to his flashing sword.

General Malyyk saw the storm in the form of Cyros coming for him and prepared his steel blade to meet the oncoming threat. Cyros is not using the power to connect to gain an advantage yet. He wants to save his energy so he can use full force when needed.

Cyros carved out a path directly for the General. Malyyk was on horseback. He kicked his horse to charge at Cyros, sword at the ready. Cyros lowered himself to make a more difficult target, and when the General rode past, Cyros managed to evade the mounted attack. The General made another pass, but this time, Cyros managed to knock the General off his horse with a blast of energy. Malyyk was a bit stunned as he lay on the ground.

Cyros looked to see what the situation was for Arnyout. His eyes widened as he saw that Wyllym had successfully broken the left flank and was making progress up the hill. Arynout was coming down to meet him and halt the advance. Cyros swallowed hard as a tinge of fear for his brother took him.

Cyros had confidence in his brother, but this was a challenge like no other. Cyros knew his brother could quickly lose this fight. Arynout finally reached Wyllym and Cyros saw their swords clash in a mighty and violent impact.

For a moment, Cyros was lost in a fixed gaze as he watched his brother fighting with Wyllym, but he was brought back into focus as he dodged the blade of General Malyyk.

As their swords met, Cyros stepped back and absorbed heavy blows from Malyyk's strikes. At first, Cyros thought he had made a fatal mistake, as the General had the uncanny ability to read his every movement. Cyros was barely hanging on enough to block the attacks.

"You're losing, boy! Your brother will soon die along with the rest of your men. Surrender now, and we might spare some of them." Malyyk taunted.

"Never. We'll never surrender." Cyros spat back in anger.

"Then you will die knowing you could have saved the lives of many."

"I'm not dying today." Perhaps it was out of sheer desperation, but Cyros found a place deep inside him and a newfound intensity. He flashed his sword with new purpose and focus. The General tried to stop the tide of Cyros's flurry of attacks but was matched. Cyros was far more athletic and spry.

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