3 1 0

K: Hey girly I just moved into my dorm. Met my roommates too. they're cool but I just wish you weren't taking the semester off and could be here with me. 

A response came not even a minute later.

N: YAYYYYYYY!! Send lots of pictures so I know where I'll be sleeping when I come to visit :). You know I wish I was there too but being online this semester is really what's best for me right now.

K: I know, I know. Just thought I could guilt trip you a little. You know I always want what's best for you. Pictures are being sent as soon as I get everything organized

N: And thats why youre my best friend and I love you to infinity and beyond. 

N: GIRL. just send me the pictures. we both know ive seen your room at its worst before. and send me your roommates instagrams. I need to know who you'll be spending time with now that Im not there this semester. 

K: *eye roll* yeah yeah love you too. I'll send them later. and don't do too much. I don't need them thinking their bodies won't be found if they do me dirty. 

N: can't make any promisessssssss. you know I'll do anything for you

K: oh trust me, I know. 

K: gotta check in with the RA. ciao 

N: okie dokie byeeeeee. 

N: they grow up so fast:( 

K: bye Nadia. 

I closed my phone just as the RA to our floor was knocking on my door. She was really nice and just told her rules and gave me all the emergency information that I would need. This was my second semester here at the university but I had to move into a completely different dorm this time due to really bad flooding in my old building. The set up was pretty nice here, I had three suite mates, which allowed for me to have  my own room but we all share a bathroom area. The girls seemed pretty nice but I had only really talked to them over social media, that was it. I am not really the best at talking to new people so actually getting to know them might be hard. 

I didn't really feel like going out on the yard tonight so once I got everything situated, I started filling in my planner with my classes and putting together the things that I would need for classes this week. I knew there were things going on with this being the first week back to school but my circle was very small. Actually, my first semester here I made two friends Janee and Nadia . Janee dropped out to go back to her hometown college, but we still keep in contact with each other. Nadia on the other hand is my best friend, we've known each other since our childhood, but she had some personal problems come up and had to do her semester virtually.  So I guess that really makes my circle not only small but nonexistent this semester. 

Once I finished, I showered and laid down to watch some Netflix. I even picked out my outfit for the first day of classes. Trust me when I say being here at my HBCU definitely feels like drip or drown. It wasn't anything too fancy but it definitely cute and simple, which fit my style perfectly. 

While I was watching my show Insecure , I got a text.

N: you know you actually have to talk to people to make friends right?

K:.... how do you know that Im not out right now on the yard making new friends?

N: Kira. I have your location and you haven't gone anywhere since you moved in... try again. 

K: Okay but how do you know I wasn't about to go out?

K: or better yet talking to my suite mates to get to know them???????

N: I also have your Netflix and you're on a different episode of Insecure. 

N: Plus I looked at your suite mates instas. The girl  Colby is with her man. The other girls, Rachel and Lexi  seem to know each other because they're out on the yard at some event.

N: Please don't ever insult me like that again


She got me.

K: okayyyyyyy fine. ill try tomorrow 

K: and we'll talk later about how you actually stalked them. 

N: Yeah thats what you said last year and look where that got you. 

N: we both knew I was going to do it. STOP deviating from the main point chick

K: HEY! 2 is a party and 3 is a crowd

N: yeah... but don't you have to be all together to make that statement?


N: and last time I checked, Im not there and neither is Janee


N: So that technically means its just 1 


N: which also means that you neither have a party or a crowd


N: just tryin to take you out lulu land 

K: yeah whatever. I going to bed I have an early class. night 

N: ya know I love you. dream about making friends ;)

I love her to death but sometimes I just wonder how we're even friends. 

With that I l hit play and let the show go on in the background as I fall asleep 

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