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Luna Castelli

(Friday Australian Grand Prix)

"Mate, don't you understand? I think it's childish. Why would I do that when there's an op-" someone outside of my hotel room spoke. "I don't care. Since when is it all about the money?" Their voice got quieter and quieter as they walked past my door.

I shot up from my bed and onto my feet. Was I late, or why did I feel like I slept for an entire 12 hours? I never woke up before my alarm, especially when my alarm was set so early. I checked the time, 8:19. I rubbed my eyes and dragged a hand on my forehead before rubbing my face.

I made my way to the bathroom and did my usual skin care routine. I opened my suitcase to take out some dark blue jeans and my red bull team attire when something caught my eye. An envelope. God damn it, I almost forgot. It was Alex' birthday tomorrow, and I needed to pick up his present today.

Alex and I had known each other since Karting. We had been great friends ever since we met, but things changed. Our friendship wasn't necessarily ruined, but it was different. Lily Mhe. His girlfriend was the nicest, most endearing, and most amazing person I've ever spoken with. Obviously, we became besties immediately, and we even went on triple dates sometimes. Alex was always the one third-wheeling Lily and I's date. Of course, I was still great friends with Alex, but I was even better friends with Lily. It was impossible for me to think of Alex without reminding myself of Lily's smile every time we saw each other.

I took the small envelope and put it on my bed before I put my outfit on. I didn't wear that much makeup on a race weekend, but I still decided to do some concealer, blush, mascara, and lips. I put my hair into a ponytail and tied the bottom of it in a braid. I searched for my sunglasses, which i then found on my couch. I've left them there yesterday, but they were not in the best condition. The left handle was broken. Either a ghost broke them, or I didn't notice breaking them. That's when it clicked. My stumble upon Lando Norris ended by me crashing on the concrete and sending my glasses flying. That's why he stared at them like he was inspecting them.

"Oh well, I guess no glasses today." I mumbled to myself and hoped that the sun wouldn't be that blazing hot.

After one last look in the mirror, I grabbed my phone and the envelope and left my hotel room.

At the track, I was greeted by some fans, to which I waved and was so excited to sign their red bull merch. The kid's thick accents were so adorable, and so were their smiles as I signed their caps. These three kids then approached me. They were identical, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart even though one wore Ferrari, the other Red Bull, and the other McLaren.

It made me think of my siblings. I was always a Red Bull fan and a Vettel fan. My younger brother was a Mclaren fan, and my sister was a Ferrari fan. To be fair, before Red Bull became a thing, I was a huge Ferrari fan.

Everyone's a Ferrari fan.

"Hii, are you guys triplets?" I asked in a shocked tone. Their faces lit up as soon as I spoke my question.

"Yes, we are." The Mclaren kid answered while his brothers stood there with their jaws hung open.

"That's so cool!" I answered with a giggle at their cute reactions.

"Can you please sign this?" The Red Bull kid held out a mini helmet in a clear box to me. I recognized that helmet immediately. It was Vettel's The final lap helmet, the helmet he wore at his last race in Formula One.

I parted my lips to say something, but I just smiled and took his sharpie and singed. He was thrilled. I signed all of their caps, and they thanked me, which made me feel so loved by the people I was meeting for the first time.

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