Summer Slam

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Summer Slam Axxess

Me and Jon were our own booth to do some signing as it's Summer Slam weekend. I had my divas champion on our table and Jon right next to me. It was just perfect.

"Hi what your name little buddy." I asked the little kid.

"Eric." He said.

"Is that your dad?" Jon asked. "Why are you wearing a Seth Rollins shirt?" He said in a serious tone.

"I told him not to. I said buy a Roman or Dean shirt." Eric said as we laughed.

"Your son has good taste." I told the dad.

"Hey I'm sorry I love Seth Rollins." The dad said.

"Nope Eric come here." I told him he ran behind the table and I sat him on my lap. "You're our child now." I giggled.

"Lunatic parents!" He cheered. As me and Jon laughed.

"Can I take a picture?" The dad asked as we nodded. We took the picture and I handed Eric back to his dad.

"Hope yall enjoy Summer slam." I said as they left I pouted. "I want a baby boy."

"Snap out of it no kids.... Yet" he said pecking my lips as I smiled.

"What's up." Jon said.

"Oh my god I can't believe I'm finally meeting yall." The guy said.

"Who do we make this out to?" I smiled.

"Jacob. Holy shit I've watching yall since FCW. Well for Dean since IPW" he sai as Jon smiled.

"I love meeting my long time fans holy shit it's a Mox shirt." He chuckled surprised as he saw the shirt. "Fuck I haven't seen these only in Vee" he said as I hit him.

"Man had this since forever I was hoping you can sign Jon Moxley." He asked. Jon looked around.

"For sure." He signed Jon Moxley and made him smile.

"You're the best. Good luck tomorrow." He left and I had smile.

"Shut up." He said looking at me then back at our next fan "What's up darling." He said to the next fan.

"Hi I have to say your both my celebrity crushes." She said blushing as we signed her merch.

"Both of us? Are you ok? You like the crazies too?" I asked smiling.

"I've been loving yall. I wrote fanf-" she cut off as we looked at each other.

"Fanfiction?" I finished her sentence.

I pull that shit too if I ever met Jon... I'm just recreating my worst nightmare if it ever happened

"Um I'm sorry I'm too excited." She said.

"No no your fine. I read them to see what you fans been fantasizing about us." I said winking. "Fluff or smut?" I asked.

"Um S-smut." She said.

"Ok what the fuck is smut. She won't tell me." Jon intervened.

"It's um well." She said. We finished signing her stuff and gave it to her.

"Send me it and I'll show him later." I winked. She nodded and walked off.

"Should I be excited you're finally showing me smut?" He said as he wrapped his arm around me.


Summer Slam

I was nervous. I didn't know what to do. My match was in an hour and I just didn't want to lose. I was looking at my championship. I was watching a Jon Moxley video. One where he was talking to B-Boy when he was in CZW. His words kept repeating in my head.

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