New Beginnings

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My name is Renn Kline. I'm 22 and I've been waiting so long to get accepted into any college at this point! I've been rejected by so many all my hopes and dreams feel like they're coming to an end. Until I seen that letter. The letter of all letters, I GOT IN!!! ISU wasn't my first pick but, getting into a college is my absolute dream. To be able to achieve everything I've ever wanted!! I live in a small town, we don't come from a lot of money. Everyone in this town just brings you down with it.
I'm not the sight for sore eyes, blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'2 and FAT! My parents would hate to hear me ever say that but it's true. I'm oversized, I'm too big in my eyes. 260 and still climbing, I feel like I'll never escape the weight.. I just want to find love, to be happy with someone who loves me for exactly who I am.

I wake up with the best feeling my body, moving day!! I get to finally leave this town and do something I've always wanted to do!! My mind races about what it will be like, how many friends will I make? Will I meet the one? So many questions and I can't wait for them to be answered!! IOWA UNIVERSITY HERE I COME!

"Mom, Dad I'm ready to go! Cmon hurry let's go!" I yell from my bedroom as I finish packing up the last bit of my clothes.

"Renn we are so excited for you! But don't you think 10 hours away from us is too far?" Dad says.

Mom chimes in "Gilbert, leave her be! This is everything she's ever wanted, her life is just beginning!"

"Dad I promise I will call every night, like mom said this is to new beginnings, new everything!"

"I just wanna make sure my little girl is safe, we love you very much and we are so proud of you Renn!" Said dad with a tear streaming down his cheek.

I'm an only child so I understand why he is so emotional, but no one ever leaves that town! This is my opportunity to see things differently and to get my chance at a new life!

After the long 10 hour drive I'm finally here! I'm finally away from that damn run down town and get to fulfill my dreams. The sweet fall breeze blowing on my face, the leaves falling from the trees with red, orange, and yellow. The leaves crackling under my feet as I walk through the yard of my dorm. This place is HUGE! It's like something out of the movies!

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