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Here I am walking alone out of the dorm, and I can't help but think what the hell am I doing? I have a thing for a guy that literally makes my life a living hell?! Why me? Why does he have to do this to me? Does he like me? Does he hate me? UGHHHH stop Renn, you're overthinking.

I do this all the time. I overthink everything and I fuck everything good up. But I don't understand. He does something to me. I don't want things to go fast but god it's so hard not to just fall into his trap. His eyes, the way he looks at me. The smell of his cologne it's like I can literally smell it... wait.. I can..

I turn around to see him walking after me.

"And what do you want?" I say sharply as I narrow my eyes at him.

"Renn I'm sorry okay?" Okay that's the second time he's done that what THE HELL?

"Sorry doesn't even make up for anything Dallas seriously. I don't understand you!"

"Renn, I really just want to talk okay? I don't want to fight, especially not with you." What's that supposed to mean?

"Why? To call me chubby? To say you didn't expect to have feelings for someone like me?" I scoff. IMPOSSIBLE!! I stomp away.

"Renn please.. let me take you to dinner. I don't like when you go out by yourself." He says as he puts his head down.

"Fine. But only because I'm starving and I was heading to get food anyway." I smirk.

He smiles at me and places his hand in the middle of my back directing me to his car. He opens the door for me, I look up at him and he's got this little twinkle in his eye. We drive a little off campus to a place called Paletos.

"This place is super fancy Dallas. I can't go in here.." I say looking down at my outfit with a frown.

"Don't worry, trust me for once would you?" He looks over at me with the most caring look ever. God it's insane the power he has over me.

We walk in and sit down and have what seems to be the longest conversation we've ever had. We had a great dinner and I actually had fun. And for once I think he actually likes me, like genuinely likes me. I don't think I'll ever admit to him that caught feelings for him the minute I laid eyes on him.


We made it back to the dorm and I change into my lace outfit. I'm so tired but, I can't help but stop thinking about what happened earlier. His hand on my ass, the electricity I felt when he touched me. It was all so fast but my god I'd kill to feel his touch again.

"Daydreaming are we?" He chuckled.

"Something like that" I shyly say.

"About what?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, Sparky."

"About me wasn't it? You know I know you have a thing for me." He smirks

"Ew, no the fuck I don't! There's no way." I snap.

"Whatever you say." He laughs as he shakes his head.

"So what if I do?! You wouldn't do anything about it anyway" I hurry and snap.

"Says the Virgin Mary." He scoffs.

"You'd be surprised. I may be a virgin but it doesn't mean I don't know how to please someone, smartass." I huff.

He snaps up and walks toward me pinning his body on top of mine on the bed. Both of his arms on each side of me. He runs his hand up my side. My breathe is pretty much gone, I'm so nervous. I swallow really hard and let out a whimper. He moves his head right next to mine.

"So tell me then, what would you do about it, Renn?" He whispers in my ear. I can literally feel his breath on my neck. God why does he have to smell so good.

"I... I... uh.." fuck Renn use your words here please!! "I'd satisfy you more than ever have been before" I blurt out. WTF?! Oh my god I did not just say that to him. Ugh.

He using his lips moving around my neck, and makes his way up to my mouth right before he stops. He's literally so close I can feel his breathing. "Then do it" he said in a low, raspy tone.

Nope. Nope just NO! I can't do this right now there's no way. How could I ever let him, Dallas take my virginity. Let alone do anything with the guy that has tortured me since the day we met.

"No Dallas" I say giving me a chance to push him off as he looks confused. "This is the first day of break and you've done nothing but be a complete dick to me all Semester. No thanks" I scoff as I roll my eyes.

"I understand." He says as he gets off and lays down on his bed.

Is it bad that I feel bad? That I feel like I should be the one to apologize?  He drives me insane! Have I said that already? It's just because he does! He drives me insane so bad! I never know what to even think when we're alone.

I turn my back to him and turn my lamp on, pulling out my book again. I read a few pages and drifted off to sleep.

So I know things are going fast with Dallas & Renn but I'm gonna slow things down!!! I may introduce more characters too and conversations with them!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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