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                Patrick, Estella, Matthew, Laura, and Steven were all in the hospital waiting for Penelope to wake up. Steven you should also get treated, said Patrick, no thank you I'm fine, said Steven, it's all my fault, he said as he burst into tears, they were there for me and she took the hit. Her eyes just twitched, said Estella, where am I, said Penelope with a low tone, Penny you're in the hospital, thank God you're fine, said Patrick, holding and kissing her hand, let go of her, he heard Estella say as she grabbed her hand. Who are you guys, asked Penelope, what, said Matthew looking confused, we're you're parents dear, said her dad, and there's aunty Laura, your bestie Patrick, and Steven your friend from school. Im sorry but I have no idea who you people are, excuse me, said a male doctor, can I talk to her parents for a second. The truth is, your daughter has amnesia, it's a form of memory loss that doesn't have a cure, what am saying is her memory may or may not come back, all we can do is hope, you can take her home though, thank you.
They got home the next day and didn't go to school, Patrick was in his bed, Penelope what are you doing here, said Patrick, you're supposed to be resting at your house, I couldn't help it Patty, I just missed you too much, she said as she walked closer to him, I can't lie anymore, I don't actually have memory loss, she was now sitting on his bed, come on Patrick, I've been waiting for you for so long, she said seductively, she got untop him and began unbuttoning her blouse. Patrick, yelled Laura from his room door, Patrick jumped up startled, looked around and realized it was a dream, sorry I didn't know you were asleep, are you ok, yes mom I'm fine. Well I just wanted to tell you that I made a salad, and I'm gonna give some to the Enliven's, so don't look for me, okay mom, he said ruffling his hair, when she left he said to himself, what is this, what type of dream was that, she's just fifteen and I'm twenty two. Change of plans, Laura yelled as she ran back in, what's wrong mom, well, I know you might not like this, she said with a mischievous smile, but I just got an urgent call and I have to leave asap, so could you maybe give this to them on my behalf, she said handing him the bag. What, but mom you know they don't like me, you'll just give this to them, say it's from me and come right back, no harm there right, now take it my hand's tired, Patrick took it with a pout, thank you, she said as she giggled and rushed off.
Patrick rang the bell repeatedly but there was no response, he turned the door nob and it opened, he was about to enter but stopped, memories from four years ago came flooding back, then he remembered that he hadn't step foot in the house ever since, he smiled to himself, saying it looked the same. He walked in calling out, Mr Enliven, Mrs Enliven, anyone home, but still no reply, he turned to the table to see sticky notes and a pen, he took one out with the pen, wrote "from Estella" and pasted it on the paper bag and turned to leave. Patrick right, said Penelope, you're Patrick right, the same clothes, what?, oh nothing, she's wearing the same clothes she wore in my dream, Patrick thought to himself. Yes I'm Patrick, my best friend, you remember, no dad told me at the hospital, you were there, oh right yh, I'm sorry, for what. I can't remember you, I can't remember anything, how we met, or who I am, nothing, it's fine, I'll make sure they pay for what they did, I'll tell you, Your mom moved in when you were a baby, I was seven then, your parents and my mom immediately became friends.
Aren't they friends anymore, oh sure they are, they're just angry at something I did, okay tell me when you feel okay about it, till then I'm so sorry for forgetting you, she said as she started going closer, she hugged him by the waist tightly and closed the space between them, he just stood there frozen. Again, yelled Estella from the door, no it's not what you think ma'am, it's fine, said Matthew, Estella turned in shock, what, just leave it, he said, she won't understand anyway, they'll pay, he said with a wicked look on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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