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Chapter 8: "The Shadows of the Past"

After the tension in the council chamber, Devika found herself needing space to think. The weight of her new reality was pressing down on her, and despite Rudra’s support, she couldn’t ignore the danger lurking behind the reforms she was implementing. Her mind was heavy with thoughts of the resistance, and she needed a moment to clear her head. But this time, it wasn’t the garden that called her—it was the caves, the very place where her journey had taken an unexpected turn.

That evening, she slipped away from the palace, her feet taking her toward the caves where she had first arrived in Ananthpuri. As she approached, the sound of rushing water from the nearby waterfall filled the air, a constant reminder of the day she had fallen through time.

The caves were quiet, their cool stone walls dimly lit by the fading light of dusk. Devika’s mind wandered back to her life before all this—Italy, her friends, her work as a trauma surgeon. It all felt like a distant dream now. She had no way of knowing how much time had passed in the modern world or if she would ever return. But a part of her had started to feel connected to this place, to the people she had come to care about, and most of all… to Rudra.

As she wandered deeper into the cave, her foot stumbled on something hard. She crouched down and brushed away the dirt to reveal a strange object—a relic that seemed out of place in this ancient world. It was a small, metallic device, and her heart raced as she recognized it. It was modern, unmistakably from her time.

“What on earth…?”

Before she could analyze further, a sudden rustling of footsteps behind her made her freeze. Her instincts kicked in. In one swift movement, she grabbed a nearby rock, ready to defend herself. But as she spun around, her grip loosened in surprise.

Standing there, cloaked in shadows, was Veerendra Samarth, the soon-to-be military general and Rudra’s trusted friend.

“You should be more careful,” he said, stepping forward with a faint smile. “These caves can be dangerous.”

Devika straightened up, her heart still racing from the shock. “Veerendra? What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same question,” he replied, his tone playful. “It’s not safe for you to wander alone, especially with what’s going on at the palace.”

Devika’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”

Veerendra’s playful demeanor faded slightly, his expression turning serious. “You’ve stirred the hornet’s nest, Devika. There are those in the court who feel threatened by the changes you’re bringing. They won’t take kindly to someone shaking up the established order, especially a woman.”

She felt a cold chill run down her spine. “I knew there was resistance, but…”

“It’s more than just whispers,” Veerendra cut in. “There are factions in the court who would rather see the kingdom crumble than accept reforms that threaten their power. They’ll do whatever it takes to stop you.”

Devika’s heart sank. She hadn’t realized how deep the opposition ran. “What do I do?”

Veerendra stepped closer, his gaze intense. “You stay close to Rudra. He’s the only one with the power to protect you, and more importantly, he trusts you. That trust is rare in this kingdom.”

She nodded, feeling the weight of his words. But even as the warning settled in, something about Veerendra’s presence here felt off. He had always been charming, always protective of Rudra, but there was an underlying tension in his words now—a hidden layer she couldn’t quite place.

“Thank you for the warning,” she said cautiously, not fully trusting the situation. “But why are you telling me this?”

Veerendra’s eyes softened, and for a moment, the tension between them eased. “Because you’re important to him, Devika. And that makes you important to me.” His voice was low, sincere, but there was something in his tone—something more than just loyalty to the crown.

Devika felt her pulse quicken. There was no denying that Veerendra was handsome, his dark eyes piercing, his loyalty to Rudra unwavering. But the way he looked at her now, there was something more than just friendship in his gaze. She quickly diverted her attention back to the metallic object she had found earlier, using it as an excuse to break the tension.

“I found this,” she said, holding up the small device.

Veerendra’s eyes narrowed as he studied it. “What is it?”

“It’s… hard to explain,” she said, choosing her words carefully. “It’s from a place far from here.”

Veerendra didn’t press further, though his curiosity was clear. “Keep it hidden,” he advised. “There are things in this world best left unexplained. Some answers are more dangerous than the questions.”

Devika nodded, slipping the device into her satchel. She knew she had to be cautious. The more she uncovered about her time here, the more dangerous her position became.

“Let’s get back,” Veerendra said, his tone shifting back to its usual lightness. “The palace is safer than these caves.”

They walked back in silence, the weight of the unspoken hanging between them. As they neared the palace, Veerendra turned to her one last time.

“Remember what I said, Devika. Stay close to Rudra. There are forces at play here that neither of us can control.”

With that, he disappeared into the night, leaving Devika alone with her thoughts. The cave exploration had raised more questions than answers. Who had left that device behind? Was it possible that someone else had traveled through time, just like her?

As she returned to her quarters, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something far bigger was at play. The shadows of the past were starting to creep into her present, and she wasn’t sure who she could trust anymore.


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