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Chapter 12: “Beneath the Mask”

The journey to Chandrakantham was a quiet one. The winding roads snaked through dense forests and over rolling hills, the peaceful scenery a stark contrast to the growing tension within Devika’s chest. She and Rudra rode side by side, their small group composed only of trusted soldiers who would remain at the border while they ventured deeper into enemy territory.

Rudra had been silent for most of the trip, his eyes fixed on the path ahead. He wore the mask of a crown prince—stoic, unreadable, and in control. But Devika had seen glimpses of the man beneath that mask, the one who had shared moments of vulnerability with her in the shadows of the palace. She wondered how long he could keep it on.

As they approached the borders of Chandrakantham, the air grew heavier, charged with the knowledge that they were entering uncertain terrain. There was no fanfare, no welcoming party to greet them. Instead, a lone figure stood at the edge of the forest, his silhouette familiar even from a distance.

Adithya Shaurya.

Rudra dismounted first, walking toward the man who had been his friend and confidant for years. Devika followed, her heart racing as she saw the tension in Adithya’s posture.

"Yuvraj," Adithya greeted, his voice low but respectful. He offered a deep bow, a sign of the loyalty he still held to Rudra.

Rudra shook his head, stepping closer. "No formalities, Adithya. It’s just us."

Adithya straightened, his eyes flicking to Devika for a brief moment before returning to Rudra. There was a hint of something unspoken between them, an understanding that words could not fully convey.

"We don’t have much time," Adithya began, his voice tense. "The rebellion is spreading faster than I anticipated. The royal family is losing control, and my cover as a scholar is growing thin. If they find out who I really am, it will be over—for me, and possibly for Chandrakantham."

Rudra’s jaw tightened, but he remained calm. "We’ll figure it out. But first, tell me everything. Who’s behind this rebellion?"

Adithya hesitated, his eyes clouded with uncertainty. "There’s a faction within the royal court—old nobles who want to return to the days before Chandrakantham allied with Ananthpuri. They believe the alliance has weakened our kingdom, made us too reliant on foreign powers. They’re using that fear to rally support."

Devika’s eyes widened. The alliance that had kept peace for so long was now the very thing tearing Chandrakantham apart.

"And the king?" Rudra asked.

Adithya’s expression darkened. "He’s losing control. The rebellion has taken a toll on his health, both physically and mentally. His advisors are scrambling to keep order, but it’s only a matter of time before everything collapses."

Devika listened intently, her mind racing with the implications. If the rebellion succeeded, not only would Chandrakantham fall into chaos, but Ananthpuri could also be dragged into the conflict. The peace they had worked so hard to maintain would be shattered.

"We need to get you out of here," Rudra said firmly. "You’re no good to anyone if they find out you’re the prince. We can protect you in Ananthpuri."

Adithya shook his head. "I can’t leave yet. If I disappear now, it will only confirm their suspicions. I need to stay, at least long enough to buy us some time. There are still people within the court who are loyal to the king, but they’re losing hope. If we can give them a reason to fight back, we might stand a chance."

Rudra glanced at Devika, as if seeking her opinion. She met his gaze, her mind racing. "Adithya’s right. If he leaves now, it will only fuel the rebellion. But staying here is dangerous—he’ll need protection, and we’ll need to find a way to support the loyalists without drawing too much attention."

Rudra nodded slowly. "Then we’ll have to be careful. No one can know we’re here."

Adithya smiled faintly, a glimmer of relief in his eyes. "I knew I could count on you."


Later that night, as they set up a small camp in the forest near Chandrakantham’s capital, Devika found herself alone with Adithya for the first time. He had always been quiet, reserved, even in his role as Rudra’s trusted scholar. But now, knowing his true identity, she couldn’t help but see him in a different light.

"You’ve been in danger for a long time, haven’t you?" she asked softly, her eyes watching the flickering flames of their campfire.

Adithya glanced at her, his expression thoughtful. "Danger is relative. I’ve lived my life in the shadows, hiding who I am, playing the role of a loyal servant while my own kingdom falls apart. But this... this is different. This is real."

Devika nodded, understanding the weight of his words. She had come to Ananthpuri expecting to treat the wounded, to offer her medical expertise. She hadn’t anticipated becoming entangled in the political intrigue of two kingdoms.

"I didn’t expect you to stay," Adithya said suddenly, his voice low. "Most people would have left by now. It’s not your fight."

Devika smiled faintly. "Maybe not. But it’s my choice to stay. Besides, Rudra needs me."

Adithya’s gaze lingered on her for a moment longer than necessary, and for the first time, Devika sensed something deeper in his eyes—a quiet admiration, perhaps even affection. But before she could dwell on it, he looked away, his expression once again unreadable.

"Be careful, Devika," he murmured. "This world is full of shadows, and not all of them can be trusted."


As the night deepened, and the fire burned low, Devika lay awake, her thoughts spinning. Adithya’s words echoed in her mind. Trust was a fragile thing in this world of hidden identities and shifting allegiances. But she had chosen her path, and she knew one thing for certain—no matter what dangers lay ahead, she would stand by Rudra’s side.

The prince had captured her heart, and there was no turning back now.


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