Chapter III - (HEX)ploration

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The next afternoon, under the bright, warming sun of early spring, the group gathered in the campus parking lot. It was 2 p.m., and Matheo's car stood ready, surrounded by his five friends. Each of them was armed with the essentials for their urban exploration: camcorders, cameras, flashlights, and other bits of gear, along with their bags and personal items they deemed "necessary" for the trip.

Alexis, as expected, was not thrilled about the adventure—particularly with Matheo being the one behind the wheel.
'Come on, Alex, can you at least pretend to be excited? It's just one week,' Adrianna said, trying to inject some positivity.
'Sure,' Alexis shrugged. 'As long as that guy stays far, far away from me.' His eyes flicked toward Matheo.
'Alex_' Adrianna sighed, shaking her head. 'Just don't ruin the trip for the rest of us, okay?'
'Me? Ruin it? No, that'll be all him.' Alexis scoffed, throwing a pointed look in Matheo's direction.

Adrianna rolled her eyes, climbing into the car with the others. Matheo sat in the driver's seat, Gregory beside him in the passenger seat, and the rest of the group squeezed into the back. Alexis, after several minutes of stewing in his own hesitation, finally joined them.

'Finally,' Matheo muttered, gripping the steering wheel, a grin spreading across his face. He revved the engine.
With that, they were off. The campus quickly faded into the background as they set out on their unusual adventure.


The group set off for what would be a three-hour journey. Along the way, they chatted, teased each other, laughed, and let the radio soundtrack their drive. With such a mix of musical tastes, the playlist jumped from reggae to rock, pop to grunge, and hip-hop, with everyone taking turns singing along in chorus.

After two hours on the road, "Patience" by Guns N' Roses filled the car. The lively atmosphere started to wind down, and a peaceful quiet settled over the group. Only Matheo's occasional responses to Gregory's random questions from the front seat punctuated the stillness. Joseph gazed out the window, lost in his thoughts, while Anthony, restless from hunger, tried and failed to get some sleep.

In the rearview mirror, Matheo caught sight of Adrianna fast asleep, her head resting on Alexis's shoulder. The scene sent a wave of anger coursing through him. His grip tightened on the steering wheel. Seeing his ex-girlfriend like that, so relaxed and comfortable next to the person he could barely stand, made his blood boil.

Gregory, always perceptive, noticed the tension creeping into Matheo's posture.
'Hey man, you good?' he asked, casting a concerned glance.
Matheo tried to shove his irritation aside. 'Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little hungry, that's all.'

Needing an excuse to break the tension, Matheo turned to the backseat. 'Guys, I'm gonna stop at the next gas station. There's a convenience store too, so if anyone's craving snacks or drinks, now's your chance.'


The sun dipped toward the horizon, painting the sky with fiery oranges and reds that melted into soft pinks and lavenders. Wispy clouds glowed like embers, and as the colors deepened, purples and golds emerged.

The group left the vehicle, heading towards a small convenience store at the gas station where they have parked for their short break. Matheo stayed behind to refuel the car before joining his friends inside the store to buy a snack.

After fueling the car, Matheo headed towards the store when he suddenly felt unwell once again, the same sensations he had felt a few days ago in his room. cold dread seeped into his bones as the voices began to whisper, a cacophony of angry, hissing murmurs. "Come back!" "Hurry up!" Each word felt like a dagger, stabbing into his mind. The voices were relentless, circling and echoing within his skull, making it impossible to think clearly. his heart pounded erratically, fear and panic clawing at his sanity. He felt isolated for a brief moment, trapped within his own mind, as the whispers grew louder, more insistent, threatening to consume his very soul.

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