Chapter 6: Slurps & Nibbles

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Two weeks later, Maeve, Fox, and Wolf had become as efficient as clockwork at the little bookstore. The days came and went uneventfully, except for a few conjuration and potion-making exercises Maeve had in store for them.

It was Wednesday.

As the day at Maeve's Booknook wound down, the last few customers trickled out, leaving behind the soft quiet of the bookstore. Wolf and Fox were putting away the final stack of books when Maeve spoke up from behind the counter, her voice casual yet deliberate.

"You two should take tomorrow off."

Fox, leaning against the counter, raised an eyebrow. "Tomorrow? A day off? Didn't think you were the generous type, Maeve."

Maeve shot him a knowing smile. "Thursdays are slow anyway. Besides, I think you both deserve a bit of a break. Clear your heads. Maybe go somewhere different. You know, there's a great little coffee shop in town—'Slurps & Nibbles.' The cakes are supposed to be amazing. You should check it out."

Wolf paused, sensing more to her suggestion than she was letting on. Maeve was never casual about things like this. "Slurps & Nibbles, huh?" he asked, studying her face for clues.

Maeve shrugged. "Just a suggestion. But I think you'll like it. Might even run into someone who could be useful."

Fox chuckled, catching the hint. "Alright, we'll bite. How about we meet up at St. Vincent's Bridge tomorrow morning? Say... ten?"

Wolf nodded, feeling a twinge of curiosity. "Yeah, sounds good."

Maeve gave a small, satisfied nod, turning back to her stack of books. "Enjoy yourselves. And don't worry about the shop—I've got it covered."

As they left the store, the cool evening air greeted them. For a moment, they stood outside, the quiet of the city wrapping around them like a comfortable blanket.

Fox turned to Wolf with a grin. "So, tomorrow at ten?"

"Yeah. I'll be there," Wolf replied, already feeling a sense of anticipation for whatever tomorrow might bring.

Fox gave Wolf a warm, lingering hug. As they embraced, Wolf caught the familiar scent of sandalwood clinging to Fox's sweater—the same scent he had come to associate with Fox. It grounded him, made him feel oddly at home. When they pulled apart, the warmth lingered.

"Don't oversleep!" Fox called with a grin as he headed off down the street.

Wolf chuckled softly, watching him go before heading in the opposite direction. The night felt different, filled with a sense of something waiting just around the corner.

The next morning, Wolf arrived at St. Vincent's Bridge just before ten. The city was still waking up, the soft light of the early sun glinting off the river. He lit a cigarette, leaning against the railing as he waited for Fox.

Fox showed up right on time, his usual grin in place. "Morning, Wolf. Ready to see what Maeve's sending us into?"

Wolf took a final drag of his cigarette before flicking it away. "Yeah, let's see what this is all about."

Together, they made their way through the cobbled streets of Cork toward Slurps & Nibbles. The retired pharmacy, now a cozy café, stood on the corner, its small wooden sign swinging gently in the breeze. When they stepped inside, they were greeted by the warm scent of coffee and freshly baked cakes. The mismatched furniture, a few scattered tables, and the comforting hum of quiet conversation made the place feel like a hidden gem.

Fox immediately zeroed in on the cake display, nudging Wolf. "This place has character."

Behind the counter stood a tall woman with long, wavy hazelnut brown hair. She watched them approach with calm, sharp eyes, her vintage dress fitting seamlessly with the charm of the café. Her nametag read Ciara.

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