Chapter 1: Out of The Freezer

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In a dark room, a thin screen turns on. Static noise and the dancing of black and white pixels plays on this thin screen. A television, the screen quickly changes to a news channel by the name of: “Solar News Twenty Eight”.
A woman newscaster then reports on flashing images and footage of armor-clad men of varying uniforms. A title is displayed just under this footage: “Tensions Grow Across the Solar System”
“As we mourn the thirty year anniversary of our late Earth, troubling statistics conducted by Military Spectator: ‘Human Warfare Org’. Of a drastic increase in border conflict between Mars and the UF border settlements-”
The channel changes.

“Sixteen gunned down in the streets of Meids during the night hours of Saturn's Moon: Titan. The perpetrators were discovered to be part of the rebel group: ‘Ardash Path’. The city is currently under lockdown as authorities attempt to regain control of the situation.”
The channel changes.

“Mercenary group, Red Guard led by the infamous neo-Soviet ideologue: Red Star. Has recently bought the orbital prison “Zeta Orbital Corrections Unit'' from the now defunct Solar Prison conglomerate: ‘Xeron Corrections and Labor’. Hermann Berhost, former CEO of Xeron was found shortly after the purchase dead by what Federation authorities ruled as a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.”
The channel changes.

“Kon Rai Industries, a German mining and technology company. Has been criminalized by the UF Legal Council. Long standing violations of conducting business with Mars along with conducting illegal mining operations across UF owned lands around Saturn, have forced the Legal Council to declare the company as an enemy of the State. Assets in UF territory have been seized and a complete ban of their products has been enforced across all of UF space.”
The channel changes, the final piece of news.

“Kurt Steel, once a world renowned war hero for the United States before Earth's demise, has finally been found. Cryogenically frozen for three decades, Human Warfare Org discovered the news through an insider within Xeron Corrections and Labor. Now in the hands of his arch nemesis Red Star, will we finally see the end to this rivalry between Kurt Steel and Red Star?”

The television turns off and a light overhead activates. Under the bask of this harsh white light is a man sitting with his hands bound at a table. This brown-haired individual with a cleanly shaven face, wears an orange jumpsuit bearing the words: “Zeta Orbital Corrections Unit”. A short sleeved jumpsuit, he has just one biological arm and the other a bionic limb.
On the other side of the room is another much larger and more “augmented” man wearing a brown and red uniform. His arms chrome, his jaw a black iron, eyes glowing a deep red underneath a bald cranium. “Kurt Steel.” The towering man says, his voice slightly mechanical as though his own voice had been replaced.
“Red Star.” The other man answers back.
“It's been a long time, old friend.” Red Star walks over to Kurt, Kurt cracks his neck and tests his restraints.
“Had a bit of a makeover recently? Those flashlights suit you.” Kurt smiles, an attitude that's unsurprising to the augmented man. Red Star lets out a slow, deep, and quiet laugh. Standing by the table opposite to Kurt, Red Star places his hands against the table. Having a closer look at Red Star, Kurt notices the extreme changes Red Star had undergone since the last time Kurt had seen him.
Fixing to dish out another joke, Kurt's mouth immediately drops, horrified at the extreme modifications done to Red Star.
“Your jaw too!? Are those plates behind your cheeks? No… No, what are you Soviets doing to yourselves!?” Kurt asks aloud, never has he seen another human look this machine-like before.
“You fool! Do you not realize what has happened to you? Let’s rewind the television.” Red Star turns back, the television turns back on and having rewinding to the final video, the newscaster repeats once more: “Kurt Steel, once a world renowned war hero for the United States before Earth's demise, has finally been found. Cryogenically frozen for three decades-” Red Star pauses the news report, Kurt can feel the rushing of frozen wind creep up his spine.
“Earth… Three-”
“Yes, three decades.” Red Star finishes.
Fear turns to rage as blood begins to boil within Kurt. He tries to force open his metal restraints off of his arms but his bionic arm, something is wrong.
Looking down, Kurt can see his metal arm struggling to move with its movements stuttering and fingers screeching like the rusted hinges of a door.
Red Star grabs Kurt’s metal hand, turning it around and examining the degradation of the metal.
“I remembered when such technology was considered the height of human engineering, when I struggled to overcome the strength this arm had once achieved. A relic… And relics must stay in the past.” With one strong pull from his own bionic arm, Red Star rips the hand right off of Kurt, sparks, oil, and coolant shoots out of Kurt’s arm. The nerves that were intertwined with the hand’s sensors fired and Kurt let out a yell.
Kurt slips his arm out of the metal table cuffs, smashing it against the other cuff, trying to free his unaltered hand.
“Let me help!” Red Star with one hand, rips the cuff off Kurt. Kurt throws a punch towards Red Star's face, his fleshy fist meeting Red Star's metallic face nearly crushes his hand.
“You gotta be kidding me!” Kurt groans, he bends down, tucking his hand to his chest.
Not even accomplishing cosmetic damage to Red Star, the augmented man picks up Kurt by the neck.
“I've wanted to do this for so long!” A sense of joy runs through Red Star as he throws Kurt towards the television, the television falling along with Kurt to the floor.
A shattering pain rips across Kurt's back and neck as he tries to get back up, the back of his head now bleeding.
“So this is how this ends? You thawed me out just to kill me!?” Kurt struggles to sit up, Red Star steps towards Kurt, this man of seven feet tall comes close to touching the ceiling.
“No, no. I have much bigger plans for you.” Red Star pulls a syringe from his coat, an auto-injection apparatus bearing a black liquid, Red Star grabs Kurt by the neck once more. As Kurt tries to struggle, Red Star looks into Kurt's insides with an x-ray feature of his augmented eyes. Seeing fracturing of the skull and internal bleeding, Red Star injects the syringe into his spine. Kurt swipes his metal arm at Red Star's face, a deep searing sensation runs up Kurt's neck and into his head, Red Star drops down Kurt.

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