Chapter 18

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Azrael •

The green of his nervous eyes enthralls me as he walks upon the stage. Silence falls once the audience can see him, once they finally learn what their Luna looks like. It is a full, rounding silence, a bubble of held breaths and quiet awe. The only sound in the room are the steps of Grayson's feet upon the polished floor.

'Is it obvious I'm nervous?'  he titters, tugging at his cuffs as he finally comes to a rest at my side.

'No,'  I lie to appease him.

He bumps his elbow playfully into mine, shuffling closer. The crowd scrutinizes him, irking both my nerves and his own. I smile and pull him close to me. "My mate and Luna," I announce, projecting my voice in ways I would have been terrified of as a child, "Grayson Park."

The bubble of silence bursts in a roar. Whistles streak through the room in whizzes of air, claps echo like thunder. The strong, unabated support from every wolf in the room surges through me from the connection I maintain with the pack. It is physically impossible for me to restrain my smile.

Grayson beams at my side, leaning towards my body. Wolves stand, an earthquake erupting due to their stamping feet. Smiles flash across everyone's faces.

Someone roars, "Speech!"

A chant begins from that person, until the room blazes with the word. Blood drains from my mate's face, and he casts me a look of panic. Laughter streams from me in a golden thread, and I raise a hand to stop the chanting. Everyone falls promptly silent.

"Unfortunately," I broadcast, "my mate is unable to give a speech at this time." Grayson withers besides me. "However, we will be wandering the hall and speaking to as many of you as possible. Anyone who wishes to ask questions or simply introduce themselves will be able to." I take a breath, my mate's wintery scent soothing my lungs. "We'd like to thank you for all your support. It is greatly appreciated."

I motion for Grayson to step towards the exit, and he does so without protest, wanting privacy from the bustling and roaring crowd. Music begins ringing over the whoops, which eventually die down as the pack hall is cleared of seating and food is brought out.

Grayson turns the moment we are in private and yanks me into his warm embrace. Another free laugh pulls from me, exhilarating pulsing through my veins. I hug him back with just as much enthusiasm, holding him dearly against my chest. He presses his nose against mine affectionately.

"You did it," he whispers. Pride slithers in his words. My heart stutters beneath its weight.

An ache builds along my cheeks. "Yes, we did."

Grayson's smile threatens to stop my heart as it spills from him. He reaches for my cheek and draws me down, kissing the spot just beside the corner of my lip. Flames consume my body, their heat rifling along my organs.

The interruption of Maeve is a sorely unwanted one. She frowns at my mate. "Someone said he's here to see you, Luna. That he's been trying to talk to you all night. Name is—"

"Grayson!" a shriek comes.

Faster than my mind can comprehend, an omega throws himself upon my mate, nuzzles against him. Unlike how I wished him too, my mate does not push the man off. Instead, he laughs and pulls him closer, hugging him tightly. Jealousy rolls in my stomach.

I am disgusted with myself almost instantly after the emotion rises.

The man clinging to my mate drops down, grinning rather frighteningly. "So, Luna officially huh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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