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"Kiley Johnson." I jump out of my seat, "Yes ma'am?" "Your sister is here to pick you up, pack your things." I've been in this shithole for 3 months, I finally get to leave. I pack everything I have which isn't much. I sold most of my stuff to have money for when I get out, which left me with 3 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, crocs, the smallest bit of perfume, and $20. I haven't talked to anyone outside because I was the first one here and of course the rule was no phones. The rule got lifted once more people started coming here. Living here wasn't that bad, there was never any bugs like lice or bed bugs and the food was decent. I grab my bags and say my goodbyes, this was harder than I thought.

I go outside to see a girl getting out of a black jeep, it was my sister. I run over to her amd hug her. I haven't seen her in a year. "Dang you got tall", she rubs my back and smiles. I start laughing and tearing up, "I missed you." "I missed you too", she slowly pulls away from the hug, "We have a long drive ahead of us."

The drive was boring, I mainly listened to music and reas Percy Jackson & the Olympians, it's pretty good. Me and Kayla also talked alot, about how the homeless shelter was or how mom was. We finally get to her house and there are two people outside. They talk to Kayla for a bit then I get out of the car. "So, this is your sister?", the lady asked. Kayla smiles and nods. "I'm Veronica and this is Kevin, you can call us Kev and V. We live right across the street." They're so sweet, Veronica is probably the nicest person I've met.

Kayla grabs my stuff out of the car, "Is this all you have?" "Yea.." "We can go shopping, we have to get school stuff anyway." She shows me my room and starts making food. I go sit outside and... admire (if that's how you wanna put it) the neighborhood. I see a tall-ish boy walk out of the house next to Kev and V's. He looks.. perfect. His hair, his eyes, just amazing. He looks over and makes eye contact, my heart felt like it was gonna jump out of my body, he's beautiful. He smiles and runs across the street and sits on the porch next to me. "You Kiley?" My sister told him about me? He knows my name? My heart starts racing faster. "Yea, my sister tell you about me?" "Yea, she tells us about you everyday. She's reslly close with my brother Ian." My sister doesn't know too much about me, she was never really home. I was the reason she came home most days. Kayla walks outside, "Foods ready. I see you met Carl." I nod and smile. "Well come back in soon, don't want food getting cold", she walks back inside and Carl stands up. "What's your number?" "Oh uh actually i don't have a phone." Yea, they never gave it back, pathetic but whatever. "Oh, well be ready by 2pm tomorrow, i'll pick you up." I smile, "See you then." He smiles, "Bye beautiful", he runs back to his house. I start blushing, he thinks im beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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