Chapter 7

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     As soon as we got to my house the first thing we did was eat dinner, I invited Dylan.

As we ate dinner we watched a few horror movies. Usually I love horror movies, but I've never seen these ones before so I had a lot of jump scares, which caused Dylan to wrap his arm around my shoulder as I cuddled into his chest.

He did that on purpose. I thought.

-Dylan's POV-

As the last movie ended I looked over to see that Kellin was already asleep so I carefully tried to move but when I did I heard her mumble, "don't go, stay." in her sleep.

I dont know if she was talking to me or not but I did anyways.

I carefully stood up trying not to wake her, I picked her up as if we were getting married and I took her to her room and lied her down in bed.

Then I crawled in beside her, and I felt her arms wrap around my torso as I drifted off to sleep.


-Kellins POV-

I woke up but I didn't see Dylan, so I went downstairs and found him cooking in the kitchen.

"Is something burning?" I asked.

"Uhh well, I was trying to do something nice for you by cooking breakfast but... I'm not a very good cook." Dylan said.

"Maybe I should do the cooking." I laughed.

"Yeah...." Dylan said, handing me the cooking utensils.

As I was making breakfast I heard my phone ring.

"Dylan, could you hand that to me?" I asked.

"Yup." Dylan said, handing me my phone.

"Thanks." I said as I answered it.

"Hello?...... What?!?!?...... Okay, yeah I'm coming right now." I said starting to cry.

"I have to go to the hospital, it's my mom."

"What? What's wrong?"

"She's dying." I cried.

"Oh my god. Kellin, I'm so sorry." Dylan said as he wrapped his arms around me.

All I could do was cry. I was getting Dylan's shirt all wet with my tears. But I don't think he cared.

"Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?" Dylan asked, breaking the silence.



Me, my brother, and my dad were all sitting on each side of my mom holding her hands as we all cried.

"It's gonna be okay. I'll be fine. i love you guys." my mom said weekly making all of us cry harder.

"We love you too." we all said in unison.

"Remember, I'll always be there for you, in your hearts and watching over you." My mom said her last words weakly as I heard the heart monitor go off. Beep.

"No, mom. mom, please! Wake up mom! Open your eyes! Mom!" I cried as the nurses pulled all of us out of the room.

"I'm not okay Dylan, it's not okay. I'll never be okay again." I cried into his shirt again.

"Shh, shh it's ok Kellin, it's ok. I'm here. We're all here for you." Dylan said.

A few minutes after that we went back to my house but this time Dylan didn't have to stay.

*** {TRIGGER WARNING} (if you get triggered easily, please don't read this part.)

When I got home the first thing I did was run into my bathroom, slamming my fist against the mirror, watching the glass break.

I just stared at the glass on the floor. After a minute I grabbed a piece, this is how most people deal with their pain isn't it? It must help somehow.

I dragged the broken glass across my wrist as I watched the blood flow.



Heyyy guys. so umm, I'm SO sorry I haven't updated this book in a while. I honestly don't really know what to do with this book... so if you have any ideas PLEASE private message me on here otherwise if I can't come up with anything, this book WILL be deleted soo, yeah. if you guys could come up with anything asap that would be great, please let me know if you have anything cause I really wanna continue this book but if I can't come up with any ideas there's no point... so yeah, please...



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And most of all, enjoy!


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