Chapter 8: Mr Pigeon's revenge(Part 1)

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Mr. Pigeon smirked, his eyes narrowing as he raised a small, feathered arrow and aimed it directly at Ladybug. "I want your jewel," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice, "the one where the fairy of luck is captivated. Master will be very pleased."

A chill shot down Ladybug's spine. How does he know about Tikki? she thought, her heart pounding. There had to be more at play here, something much larger than Mr. Pigeon's usual antics. Was someone pulling the strings behind the scenes?

Thinking quickly, Ladybug twirled her yoyo, transforming it into a small, sleek bottle of perfume, shimmering with her signature luck. She wasted no time and sprayed it in the direction of Mr. Pigeon and his flock.

The pigeons scattered, confused and flustered by the sudden burst of fragrance.

Mr. Pigeon stumbled back, coughing dramatically, his composure faltering. "Your luck won't last, Miss Insect!" he rasped, his bravado cracking as he wiped at his face.

Ladybug's eyes narrowed as she prepared for whatever was coming next. "Maybe not, but it's working well enough for now." 

Mr. Pigeon grinned menacingly as he unveiled his latest invention. "It's called the Pigeon Arrow", he announced with pride, brandishing the weapon like a trophy.

Ladybug, not one to be outsmarted easily, swung her yoyo toward him, aiming to disarm him. But something went wrong—drastically wrong. Instead of knocking the weapon from his hands, the yoyo tangled, and she found herself flung off balance, spinning mid-air before crashing to the ground.

Mr. Pigeon chuckled smugly. "Seems like you don't know how to use it at all," he taunted.

Ladybug scrambled to her feet, her mind racing. "How? Why?" She could feel it—her transformation was faltering. Something was definitely wrong.

Just as she managed to land gracefully out of sight, she whispered, "De-transform me!"

Tikki fluttered beside her, her small wings drooping. "Marinette... I'm tired."

Marinette frowned, concern filling her voice. "What do you mean, Tikki? I can't let the pigeon man take you." She quickly pulled out a piece of bread from her pocket and offered it to Tikki, hoping it would help.

Tikki nibbled at the bread, her energy slowly returning. "The reason you de-transformed, Marinette... I realized something when we were close to Mr. Pigeon."

Marinette raised an eyebrow. "You realized something?"

Tikki nodded, her expression serious. "Yes. When we were near him, I sensed Becil's presence."

"Becil?" Marinette echoed, confused. "Who's Becil?"

Tikki's voice grew somber. "She's the Fairy of Foolishness. Somehow, the human behind Mr. Pigeon is using her power to manipulate and strengthen himself. It's weakened Becil, and that's why things feel off."

Marinette's eyes widened as she pieced together the implications. "So, your main goal is to save Becil?"

"Yes, Marinette. Something like that," Tikki responded quietly.

Marinette sighed, her mind swirling with thoughts. "What are you not telling me, Tikki?" she asked, her voice firmer, sensing there was more her fairy wasn't saying.

But Tikki remained silent, a worried look on her face.

Frustrated but determined, Marinette stood up, clenching her fists. "Fine. If you won't tell me now, I'll figure it out later. Tikki, transform me!"

In a flash of light, Marinette became Ladybug once again, ready to face Mr. Pigeon and uncover the truth behind Becil.

- - - 

Felix was just about to drift off to sleep when something caught his eye through the glass pane—a familiar figure in red and black, fighting someone in the distance.

"Plagg? Is that Ladybug?" Felix asked, already knowing the answer.

Plagg, busy munching on camembert, shrugged lazily. "I don't know, you decide. Do the shadows look like Ladybug to you?" he replied, unbothered by the commotion.

Felix wrinkled his nose in annoyance at the pungent smell of the cheese. "Yes, definitely!" He sighed, then snapped, "Plagg, transform me!"

In a flash of light, Felix became Chat Noir. He didn't waste a second, jumping out of the open window and racing to help Ladybug.

Meanwhile, Ladybug was gracefully dodging Mr. Pigeon's arrows and fending off his army of pigeons. With a swift kick, she landed a blow to Mr. Pigeon's face. "Haiyah!"

Chat Noir arrived just in time to hear her battle cry. "My Lady! Is the pigeon man bothering you again?"

Ladybug, still mid-fight, glanced at him. "Chat Noir? What took you so long?!"

Chat Noir grinned, leaping into action. "Oh, you know... My fairy is a cheese addict. And, well, I'm cursed now, so I bring nothing but bad luck."

"Bad luck?" Ladybug quipped as she dodged another attack. "Then use your ability on the pigeon man!"

Mr. Pigeon, recovering from Ladybug's earlier blow, sent his pigeons straight for Chat Noir.

"Nah," Chat Noir smirked, swatting away the birds. "I'm saving my attack for the grand finale."

Ladybug groaned, her irritation clear. "Silly kitty!"

Chat Noir's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Kitty? You called me a kitty! I'm falling for you even more, my Lady."

Ladybug swung her yoyo, trying to clear away the pigeons, but failed, her frustration building. "Ugh! Looks like I've caught your bad luck!"

Chat Noir sighed dramatically. "Alright, alright." He summoned his power. "Black hole!"

A massive void opened in the ground, and the pigeons began getting sucked in.

"Chat Noir!" Ladybug cried, horrified. "Have you lost your mind?! They're a rare species!"

Chat Noir blinked, realizing his mistake. "Oops... My bad. Little kitty on the roof made a blunder." He quickly stopped the black hole and corrected himself with a different move. "Black storm!"

Ladybug rolled her eyes but was relieved. "That's better!" She quickly used her yoyo to summon citrus perfumes, tossing one to Chat Noir. "Use this! Pigeons hate citrus!"

Chat Noir caught the perfume with a wink. "Aren't you clever, my Lady?"

Ladybug shot him an exasperated look. "Concentrate on the fight!"

Chat Noir grinned. "Meowtastic!"

"Stop with the puns!" Ladybug snapped.

The two worked together, spraying the perfume, forcing the pigeons to scatter and fly away in a panic.

Mr. Pigeon, now alone and disheveled, groaned in despair. "No! My pigeons! What will I tell Master?"

Ladybug and Chat Noir exchanged a triumphant glance, ready to end the battle.

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