But Now I am not alone

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"We have located five of the seven Paragons." Monitor tells them all.

"Maybe we could find them if.." Kate nods towards Ray, Peter-1 and Fitz-Simmons who are all working on perfecting the paragon detector.

"Hey, it's a Paragon detector, it's complicated stuff, Norman got most of the work goone, but there's a lot needing to done." Ray tells her when a breach opens as Barry, Cisco, Ralph and Crystal Frost come in.

"Someone call for backup?" Cisco asks.

"Did we?" MJ asks Peter-616 who shrugs his shoulders, unsure at this point.

"Cisco, we need another hand over here." Peter-1 tells him.

"That's why I'm here." Cisco says and looks to the two Peter's and Superman's. "And that is a lot of doppelgängers in the same room, which is super weird. Hey, tiny Spider-Man, What's up, man?" He asks Peter-616, remembering him.

"Holy all star squadron." Ralph mutters while looking around the room filled with three realities worth of heroes. "Hi, Ralph Dibny, Elongated Man. Ready to help kick butt."

"Ignore him, it's his first crossover." Crystal tells them.

"The antimatter wave is still ripping its way through the multiverse. We have to get everyone we can to safety." Barry tells them.

"Our chances show a 98.21% chance Earth-1 is the last destination to be hit by the antimatter wave." Madame Web tells them as J'onn walks into the room.

"I just heard from Alex and Brainy from Earth-1, everyone we saved from Earth-38 is still accounted for." J'onn tells them.

"I think we got it working." Fitz says as the Paragon detector warms up.

It first shows them the five Paragons they already know of;


Sara Lance - Destiny

Kate Kane - Courage

Peter Parker-Coulson - Humanity

Clark Kent - Truth

Kara Zor-El - Hope

"Guys, we already know this." Kate reminds them.

"It's still buffering. So a little...patience." Cisco asks from her as the Paragon of Honor appears to be J'onn J'onzz.

"Huh. Why am I not surprised?" Kara asks then it reveals the Paragon of Love is Barry Allen.

"That's new." Barry comments.

"With all the Paragons identified, our next priority is determining how to stop the antimatter wave." Monitor says.

"Sorry to interrupt, but it appears mr. Diggle is now aboard." Gideon informs them and Sara goes to talk to him about Oliver.

With her gone, they filled in the rest of team Spider-Flash about what's happening and what happened so far.

"The Anti-Monitor. Is that set in stone, or can we workshop that?" Cisco asks them.

"Pretty sure, man." Peter-1 breaks to him.

"This is why I've been preparing all of you. Testing and pushing you to your limits. I needed your courage, honor, strength of will, to see how far you're willing to go for humanity, even the truth of your convictions. Everything that makes you the greatest heroes on this or any earth." Monitor expains to them all. "Because that's what it will take to defeat your opponent."

Stronger Together - Book 3 of the SpiderverseWhere stories live. Discover now