Chapter 15:Thighs might be on the line

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Although the attack of Vyzel was over and Meliodas was decided to stop the plans of unsealing the Demon Clan, the Sins didn't plan to head to the city of Lioness. After all, they were not complete yet.

So they have been looking for thwir other comarades. King managed to hear of a rumour of the Eight Deadly Sins in a far off village.

Only that, it tuens out it was just a bunch of kids playing around. Fortunately Diane seemed to have gotten along with them rather quickly, so they left her to entertain the kids while they talked.

King:So the rumour I heard turned out to be a bunch of kids...

Kumagawa:[People kind of overreact to our names these days, don't they.]

Ban:They're kids, guess it's inevitable. They're gonna fool around. But we probably should make them stop this Eight Deadly Sins play of theirs.

Meliodas:Right. Better that it was us rather than a Holy Knight. But kids sure make friends quickly.

As they watched Diane play with the kids a loud sound revertebrated through the air. A rumble which sounded more like a roar.

Diane:...What's that rumble?

Meliodas:Who knows? Maybe it's the sound of the wind passing through a cave.

Kumagawa:[Maybe it's something fun.]

Little Girl:The adults in the village say that it's the roar of Lord Mountain God.

Kumagawa tuned to one of the kids, tye inly girl in the group. He crouched down at the little girl's level and tilted his head.

Kumagawa:[Oh? Well, that's interesting. We didn't hear anything of a god of mountains around.]

Little Girl:Since Lord Mountain God came around, all the wolves and bears run away.


Meliodas:That sounds luke Hawk when he has diarrhea.


Kumagawa mulled over this informations. Something interesting might be happening after all.

However, he perked up once he felt a sensation in the air. The other Sins have becime alert as well.

Ban:Hey, Captain...You felt that too, right?

King:Could it be the thing that let out that roar?

Meliodas:No, this feels human...Probably a Holy Knight.

Ban:There's not just one of them either. It's hard to tell because they are all clustered together.

Kumagawa:[Strange. This new generation, although working under the same banner, seems very arrogant and self absorbed. What could make them have such an ample club meeting?]

Ban:Beats me.

Man:There you are!

A man ran to the kids, panting in exhaustation. However, he quickly jumped back in fright at the view of Diane.

Man:Eeek! A giant!

Little Girl:It's okay! She our friend!

Man:I finally found you kids...Figured you'd be in a place like this! You can't go into the forest! We recieved an message from the kingdom just now. The Holy Knights and knight groups are commencing a big manhunt in the mountains, so you can't go in there! From what we heard, they're after an incredibly evil criminal!

The kids had their attention caight by this. In the meantime, the four male sins have gathered together to talk about this situation.

King:Could we be the incredibly evil criminal...

Meliodas:It has to be.

Ban:So annoying! They found us already?

Kumagawa:[No, we covered all of our tracks. Could it ve that they heard about the same rumour King heard?]


Ban:It should be alright. These new Holy Knights are a real piece of work, but. none of the seemed like the type that'd harm kids.

However, these news didn't frighten the kids. The very oposite, in fact.

The kids quickly rushed in the forest, excited by the prospect of an dangerous criminal. The man that came to warm them stared at the place the kids ysed to be not a moment ago in shock.

Man:Damn it!

King:Are you for real...

Kumagawa:[Haha, kids these daus are pretty crazy!]

Meliodas:Says the craziest of them all...

A shout was repeated again and again for everyone to gather at the entrance of the village. Apparently, a knight had made their way back from the mountain.

Although this knight didn't seem to have had a lucky hunt. The very oposite, in fact.

He was spawled on his back. His limbs were shaking, head bleeding and eyes syaring into nothingness.

It was a view all the Sins were way too familiar with. This knight wasn't lomg for this world.

Knight:The knight...Group was annihilated...Lord Dawn Roar's group is...Fighting back against...The Armor...Giant...

There was a shake in the knight's voice as he uttered that name. It was like the name itself was cursed.

Knight:That...Armored...Monster..There's...No way...We can beat it...No...Stop! Don't come...Don't come any closer...No...No...The Armored Monster!

The knight shouted that name with pure terror, his eyes growing bloodshot. His head then promptly fell back and he fell silent.

Man:Sir Knight...Sir Knight!?

The man checked the knight's state, looking for any way to help him. But it was useless, the knight had no pulse and he wasn't breathing anymore either.

Man:He's gone...

With that said and done, Meliodas left in a hurry. The other Sins followed suit.

Ban:What's the hurry, Captain?

Kumagawa:[Should I bring him back? Maybe he could tell us more.]

King:Even if you did, he's clearly way too traumatized to give us any coherent answer. And since when are you so involved in the danger of Holy Knights dying? Knowing you, I'm surprised you didn't say soke macabre joke with everyone present there as soon as he died.

Kumagawa:[I couldn't possibly do something like that! In fact, I'm very worried. What if Guila-chan was among those knights? It'd be a shame to lose those thighs...I mean such an remarkable opponent.]

Diane:Oi, your true intentions are transparent! They're as transparent as clear glass!

However, Meliodas didn't pay much attention to their banter. Rather, he was focused in something much more important at the moment.

Meliodas:We found him...


King:Wait...You couldn't mean...

Kumagawa:[The Armored Giant...Or rather, someone wearing an enormous set of armor. Now, who do we know tjat matches that description?]


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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