A/N I'm so excited to share this story with you! Also were just gonna pretend that Descrying and Vociferating isn't a thing Okay?
keep your head down, and don't draw attention to yourself. Those were the words that Lexie had repeated in her head for a long time.
But she wanted to be heard, to be seen. But she couldn't risk people would find out. Her secret, burden. The thing that would endanger all the people that she loved and cared about if they found out.
That she was an elf, a very powerful one. She had all the ability's, which, in this case, wasn't the best thing for her. She and her family moved to the forbidden cities to get away from all the scorn, pitting looks and gossip surrounding her family. People thought she was untrustworthy and shady because all of her ability's. People also thought her parents had modified her genetics to make her more powerful. But they hadn't of course. It was all her fault. She was the reason her family moved. She was the reason they had to leave everything behind and restart.
And know it was to late to go back.
If she went back, she and her family would be exiled for living in the forbidden cities. But at least her parents were happy.
Keep your head down and don't draw attention to yourself.
Lexie was walking over to Biana's house to pick her up to walk to school, her chocolate brown hair blowing into her big turquoise eyes . Biana had been her best friend for about six months. Which had been the best six months or her time in the forbidden cities. Biana hadn't suspected a thing of her being non-human. Biana was just a normal girl. With dark brown hair and a small frame.
And she had the most striking blue eyes... almost teal....
"Hey Lexie!" Biana said, meeting Lexie halfway down the walkway of her enormous house.
" Hey! Ready to go?" Lexie asked Biana.
"Sure thing!" She said
she took Lexie's arm as they start walking down the street to school.
OMG! I think that turned out pretty well. I hope you liked it and there is more to come! And sorry it was so short.

Among Humans: A kotLC fanfic
HumorLexie Ruewen is alone. She and her family, hiding Among Humans. Just them, or so she thought. Lexie discovers that there are other elf's in the forbidden cities, who have left their homes in the lost cities. And Lexie isn't just a normal elf , she...