Oh No

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Colleens POV

Joshua & I had our little weekend vacation at Sea World & it was amazing. We met fans, which we didn't mind. & we just enjoyed each other before things got busy. It was more than what I could ask for. I couldn't wait to have a baby with the love of my life.


I woke up one morning throwing up uncontrollably. Rachel heard and ran into the bathroom & started rubbing my back as she said, "What's wrong? Are you so sick?'
C: "I don't know, I don't think so. I kind of miss being home in Josh's arms, but this has never happened so I don't understand."
And then it hit me, as I had my head deep in the toilet. My birth control must have failed me. Sea World nights with no condom.. Bad idea.
C: "Rachel." Then I threw up more
R: " Yes Colleen?"
C: "I need you to get me a pregnancy test. Like now"

Sorry I haven't updated INA few days & this is short, I've been lazy. I'll try & post another chapter tomorrow

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