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[Heather's reference!?]

[Backstory: You and Mattheo were ememies, you both teased eachother every chance you got.]

I were in the in the libary, studying for an upcoming potions test, I usually like potions, expect that Snape teachs the class, and hes such a jerk, even though im Slytherin, he's pretty nice to me, but to other students, hes such a bully. Once in 3rd year he almost killed Neveille Longbottoms pet toad.

i hear a bunch of screaming and what sounds like cheering outside, usually i come to the libary to get some peace and quiet, Slytherins are probarly the loudest house out of all the houses.

I groan before slamming my book shut, i grab my quill as i put it in my pocket.

I grab the door knock before walking out of the libary just to be greeted with a crowd of a variety of different students.

My question was, what was happening?

I push my way into the front of the crowd, my book still clenched against my chest.

I see Mattheo fucking Riddle fighting a random guy i've probarly seen like twice in my whole life.

Mattheo was my ememy, we both hated eachothers guts. He's always getting into fist fights, but this one is different, he was screaming at the guy at the top of his lungs, punching the living hell out of this guy.

''I'LL RIP YOUR FUCKING GUTS OUT!" Mattheo yells. Poor guy looks scared for his life, getting beat up by Voldomorts son.

''Hey, whats happening?" I whisper to the girl beside me.

She giggles.

"He's apparently fighting for you." She says before backing up, disappearing in the crowd.

I look over at Mattheo, He's already looking at me, his mouth is slightly open, we make eye contact for a while, before he clenches his jaw and goes back to punching the guy.

"MATTHEO!" I scream, i hontestly should have yelled at him earlier.

Mattheo picks up the boy by the collar and shoving him on the hard brick wall.

I yell at him once again, he jerks his head to face me.

I take a deep breath before walking over infront of him and grabbing his wrist before leading him to my dorm, theres a whole bunch of "Ooos..'' and "Ahhs.." but i couldn't care less.

"L/n, what are you doing."

"Saving you from getting your ass kicked out of hogwarts, though, it would be nice to never having to see you again."

"I didn't need your help.''

''And what the bloody hell were you thinking, beating up an innocent student!?" I scoff before opening the door to my dorm, i motion him to sit on my bathroom counter, as i grab my first aid kit.

"He's not innocent!" Mattheo yells in defense.

"Why, what did he do? Give you a single dirty look, not let you copy off his homework?" I question titling my head to the side.

"No.." He mutters under his breath, looking down.

I grab a cotton ball before pouring a small amount of rubbing alcohol to the cotton ball.

"This might sting a little." I say before dabbing the cotton ball on all the bloody cuts on his face.

He hisses in pain.

"Now explain yourself, Mr. Riddle." I say rasing my eyebrows at him.

"Fine, he uh..said something about a certain someone." He mutters in a single breath.

"Details." I say.

He groans.

"That jack-ass said that you were a nerd, and that you have no friends and that you'll die alone."

"I do have friends!'' I gasp.

"Yeah, Your cat."

"Oh shut up."

He chuckles.

I grab another cotton ball and i dip it in the rubbing achocol, before dabbing it on a fresh new scar above his nose.

"Fuck-'' He mutters.

"So, uh you were fighting for me, eh?" I question. "That's what another student told me.

"That's bullshit, we both know i hate you."

"Is that so?" I giggle.

"Yes, now shut up." He spits.

"Make me!" I say giggling.

Mattheo smirks before grabbing me by my waist, pulling me in closer. Just then i realzlied what i have said.

"You wanna bet?" He smirks.

"Gross." I lie, to be hontest, being this close to him is making my stomach do backflips, and my face is turning redder then Ron Wealseys hair.

"I'll make you shut up alright." He Smirks.

"You are truly disgusting." I say, pretending to vomit.

"So.." I say poking his chest. "We're you actually fighting for me..?" I say.

"OK, maybe I was." He admits, he pouts like a little child.

I chuckle.

"Thank you, Mattheo." I said with all jokes aside.

His eyebrows raise as he chuckles aswell.

"Seriously, that guy was a fucking bitch."

"Mhm." I say.

"Uh, Mattheo?" I ask.

"Yea?" He replies back.

"I need you to take..off you shirt." I mumble in a quick breath, the last few words are almost silent.

He instantly smirks at this.

"T-to check if you have any extra cuts..or something." I mange to stutter out, at this point I was dying of embrassment.

"Yea, I can for sure do that." He also mumbles, as he lifts up his shirt reveling a flipping six pack.

I try my best not to stare, as I awkwardly pick up a cotton ball as I slightly pat it on an open sore.

"Shit!" He mutters a little in pain, his hips adjusting slightly.

This had turned me on.

I decided to try my best to turn him on as well.

I grip onto his thigh for support as I tip toe slightly to reach a cut on his forehead.

He looks up at me.

"Fuck, Y/n, what are you doing to me..?" He mumbles, putting his hand on my hip.

I smirk.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a while now.. " He whispers into my ear, pushing back a strand of hair.

"Me to.." I reply back.

Mattheo Riddle - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now