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Finally I have an idea!!

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Background knowledge:

-You and Mattheo were ememies since first year, but you were apart of the same friend group, so it was hard to avoid eachother. You'll both never admit it but you thought the other person was pretty attractive, so you have crushes on eachother, but you both didn't really want to like eachother if that makes sense.


I absolutely hated history of magic, all professor Binns does is talk and talk, almost mindlessly.

I walk into the classroom, his classroom is rather dirty, it looks like it hasn't been cleaned in decades. There's a bunch of spiderwebs on bookshelves, the books are old and dusty. And the desks are vandalized with ink, writing stuff like;

"___ was here!"

"School sucks :("

I'm a few steps into the room when Binns starts to clear his throat.

"We have a new seating plan." He mumbles.

"Blaise and Luna at the front."

"Draco and Herimone."

"Theodore and Pansy."

He coutines to read off his list until it's just me and..Mattheo Riddle left.

"And Y/n, and Mattheo. You'll be seated at the back."

I groan as I clench my books closer to my chest.

"Great. Just Great." I say, flopping down in my seat.

"This should be rather interesting." Mattheo grins, adjusting in the seat.

I grab out my notebook as I grab my quill.

Professor Binns starts talking. He talks way to slow to understand.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath, as I start fidgeting with my quill.

"Hm?" Mattheo questions.

"Im so going to fail history of magic!" I groan.

He chuckles.

After 5 minutes Mattheo shuffles closer to me. But he doesn't look at me.

After another 5 minutes he's so close to me our knees are almost touching.

He purposely slams his knee into mine, causing me to groan in pain.

"Fuck you." I say.

He smirks.

I sigh as I rest my hand under my chin, staring at professor binns, hoping to soak up any information.

I can see in the corner of my eye that Mattheo is staring at me.

He's not smirking or anything. Just staring.

I start to overthink so much that I have a tiny headache.

Why is he staring at me? Do I have something on my face..? Maybe he thinks I'm ugly. But he probably already does- gosh why do I have to be seated next to him, I hate him..or do I? I mean he is rather attractive..with all his scars. Oh gosh..now he's smirking? What did I do now- he 100% thinks I'm gross-

"I don't think your gross."

I freeze, as I slowly turn my head to Mattheo, who's now looking at the front of the room.

"Mattheo..? You..said something..?" I mumble.

"Huh?" He says turning his head innocently to me.

"You said something. I heard it-" I say.

"I think your just going crazy." He laughs.

"Oh.." I mutter.

I know for a damn fact that he said something. I'm most definitely not insane.

"You're pretty insane, actually."

This time I jerk my head to Mattheo.

"I heard that!" I whisper in his ear to avoid being caught by Binns.

"Do you need to go to the hospital wing? I can take you there." He asks, smirking.

"Im perfectly fine!" I whisper-yell at him.

"Mhm." He mumbles.

Gosh, why does Mattheo have to be like this! He's so damn annoying..and rather cute...wait-no. He's cute- but that doesn't excuse his awful attitude.

"You think im cute."

I groan in frustration.

"Mattheo?" I think.

"Yes..?" He answers almost instantly.

"How are you doing that.."


"Haha. Very funny."

"I know I am."

i roll my eyes at him.

"So, you think im cute."

"No, I  dont."

"Your thoughts a couple minutes ago says otherwise."

"Oh shut up, everyone thinks your cute but that doesn't excuse your behavior."

"So you do think I'm cute."

"Fine. Maybe I do."

"Good, because I find you cute aswell."

I don't know what's gotton into me, but my heart instantly melts, I have no idea why, but my stomach feels off, almost like there's butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Why am I feeling like this with Mattheo? I'm suppose to hate him..

"You do remember that I can read minds..right?"


"Meet me after class. No excuses."


Then all the sudden images of me and Mattheo making out passionately in a broom closet.

"Mattheo what the fuck!" I think.

"We both know you want this."

He wasn't lying, I did want him.

"You're right. I do." I think to myself.

He does nothing but smirk. Then he puts a hand onto my thigh.

I gasp slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: 9 hours ago ⏰

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