Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up before Estrel, an obnoxious knock coming from the cabin door. I grabbed a nearby towel and cleaned Estrel off, then I grabbed a new towel, placing it under his hips before covering him with the furs. I cleaned myself quickly and I put my kilt on, walking as I tied it closed.

Just as the stranger knocked again I flung the door open, already pissed.

'What?" I snapped.

"Hey! Didn't know you were in town!" Danny, a very popular tailor-who happened to be my uncle-made a move to step inside the cabin. I growled in warning and he took an exaggerated step back, saluting me.

"Stay out." I bit out.

"Yes, sir! My apologies, sir!" He laughed, a bubbly and bright sound that always lightened the mood, "Well it certainly smells like you've been busy!" He clapped his hands together and then pushed his glasses up.

"What is it, Daniel?"

"Ouch. Stingy today aren't we? I came for a few things. I wanted to take measurements-" I snarled, "But I'm correct in thinking that'll be a no. I also came to deliver the message that the doctor wants to check on your partner."

"He's fine. Doesn't need any doctors around him."

"Totally understand. Do you want any painkillers and antibiotics? The Garren on camp is offering. Something about a favor?"

I nodded, "I'll take those."

I felt uneasy and prickly not being near Estrel so I huffed in annoyance.

"Is that all?"

"Nope." He chirped before his face turned completely serious, "You were too rough on your brother."

I scoffed.

"Goodbye." And started pulling the door closed before he stopped it roughly.

"Don't!" He scolded me, "What did you promise your mother before she passed?"

"Do not bring her into this." I seethed.

"That you'd care for your brother. Be his protector. And if it's not bad enough you left him here to rule over a tribe by himself when it was your job," He hissed, "You dared to put your hands on him."

"He was fine alone. Better off. He had to grow up." My gaze hardened, "And if he hadn't sent away my love to a fucking torture facility, me putting my hands on him wouldn't ever be an issue."

"He didn't know."

"He still shot at us- tore him away from my hands." I shut the door behind us.

"Wow, so he didn't know what to do, I wonder who could have stuck around to teach him right from wrong I know a brother who abandoned him."

"Shut your mouth."

"What you not like hearing the truth?! You're an asshole! You need to apologize-you both do! He's distraught and surely you do not see him as dead! The enemy here is that god-forsaken Inkling! Not your family!" He cried and wiped roughly at his eyes.

Danny had always been an emotional prick. It made him lovable in the first place. I wasn't too surprised Danny came to my brother's defense, he'd practically raised us.

I sighed heartily.

"I'll go for dinner next...week. Get me some decent dinner clothes."

He sniffled, nodding, "Fine. You. Get your shit together."

"Look who's talking." I chuffed.

He froze momentarily, "Fuck, he has fixed you." He stared up at me, slightly in awe.

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