Next Day Morning:Nandini sleeping peacefully in her comfy bed with her teddy☺
She has a beautiful smile on her face😊
Maybe dreaming about Manik!!😝
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Suddenly her phone rings🔊
Nandini with irritating face picks up the call and says
Nandini(irritatingly): Who the hell calls someone this early morning?😬
Mukti(laughing): Mee!!!!😅
Nandini(sleepy): I guess you called the wrong number!! Take Arya's number from Cabir!!😴
Mukti(blushing): Shut up Nandu!! Wake up it's already 10 am. Did you buy your party dress?😳🤔
Nandini(still sleepy): No!! I will wear anything!!😴
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Mukti(angrily): Noo!! We are going for shopping now. Alia and Navya are also coming. You have 20 minutes to get ready😒😑
Otherwise, I will take you ouside on your night dress only😈
By the way, I have heard from Navya that Manik and you talked!!👀😜
Is he coming tonight?😝
Well, today we will do your make over babe!!😁😁😁
He will be so much jealous when other boys will be starting at you😅🤭
Nan(blushing): I don't know if he would come or not😳
I don't have his number even😩
Besides, why will he be jealous!! It's not that he likes me. You guys are over thinking😞
Mukti(consoling): Don't worry Nandu!! Everything will be fine😊

RomanceA NERD and TOTAL INTROVERT BOY is fully engrossed in the professor's lecture. A EXTROVERT and SASSY GIRL is partying with her friends after bunking her class. GIRL: Hey!! Why are you so silent? BOY: Silence gives me Peace! GIRL: Why it's so dark...