YOU ARE READING MAKING ME ALIVE AGAIN!! 🥀❤ Romance A NERD and TOTAL INTROVERT BOY is fully engrossed in the professor's lecture. A EXTROVERT and SASSY GIRL is partying with her friends after bunking her class. GIRL: Hey!! Why are you so silent? BOY: Silence gives me Peace! GIRL: Why it's so dark... #betrayal #broken #cavya #craziness #crazylovestory #dhurliya #fab5 #hope #infinity #kaisiyehyariyaan #life #love #manan #pain #suicideattempt ▶ New Story Alert ⚠️ 53 1 0 by ParthonaSK by ParthonaSK Follow Share Post to Your Profile Share via Email Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Post to Your Profile Share via Email Report Story Hey Guys I'm back with a New Story!!🤗Sorry for the late as I had my Engineering Exams!!🤧I will start updating my other stories also from now but for now please give your love to my this new story!!🥺New Story : SILENCE OF TEARS💧 Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Genre: Romantic, Horror, ThrillerLink - you guys will love the story!! Please give your all love and votes if you really like the story and concept😊