unspoken tensions

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After collage

The night was quiet, save for the low hum of the city outside. You felt a twinge of nervousness as you walked up to Jung Su’s door. The air was cooler than usual, as if foreshadowing the frostiness awaiting you on the other side. Despite your best efforts to make things right, Jung Su's lingering silence after seeing you with Jimin earlier still weighed heavily on your mind.

Taking a deep breath, you raised your hand and knocked. The sound echoed in the quiet hallway, and you tried to calm the fluttering nerves in your stomach. After a few tense seconds, the door opened, revealing Jung Su standing there, his expression unreadable. His sharp gaze met yours, and for a moment, you were left speechless, feeling the weight of his silence.

“You came,” he said, his voice cool but controlled.

“Of course,” you replied softly, stepping into the warm glow of his apartment. “You invited me, remember?”

He nodded but didn’t respond, leading you further inside. You took in the familiar surroundings—the comfortable couch, the books lining the walls, the faint scent of the incense he always burned. Yet tonight, it all felt different, heavy with the tension lingering in the air.

As you settled into the couch, he took a seat across from you, his arms folded over his chest, his gaze intense and unwavering. The silence between you both was thick, filling the room with an awkwardness you hadn’t experienced before with him.

“So, Jimin, huh?” he finally broke the silence, his voice laced with an unmistakable edge.

You felt your stomach tighten, knowing this was the real reason he had called you over. “Jung Su,” you began carefully, “you know jimin is just my friend.”

Jung Su leaned forward, his jaw tense. “I know that, Y/N. But you didn’t see how it looked… seeing you two together, laughing, like you didnt realize you were on a outing with us .”

“It wasn’t like that,” you said, a hint of frustration seeping into your tone. You hadn’t expected him to feel so hurt. “Jimin and I… are just friends maybe after that night... He is really sweet you will love meeting him .”

he  looked away as if to avoid the weight of your words. “But seeing you two, close like that… I don’t know, Y/N. I thought we had something real.”

Your heart dropped, realizing just how deep his feelings had run beneath the surface. For a moment, you were caught off guard, unsure how to respond.

“Jung Su,” you whispered, feeling a pang of guilt and empathy."okayy then i will stay with you only i promise you will never feel lonely and jealous okay!?? Just calm now.”

Jung Su clenched his fists, and for a brief moment, you feared he might explode with the emotions he was holding back. But instead, he let out a deep sigh, his shoulders slumping as if all the weight had finally settled on him.

“I understand,” he said, his voice softer. “But it doesn’t make it hurt any less, Y/N. You mean a lot to me.”

A part of you wished you could make everything better, to soothe the tension and pain that lay between you. But deep down, you knew that some things couldn’t be mended with words alone.

After a long silence, he stood up, his expression softening just slightly. “Thank you for coming. I needed to tell you… even if it’s hard.”

You nodded, standing up as well. “I’m glad you did. I didn’t want there to be anything left unsaid between us.”

He walked you to the door, his gaze lingering as if he was trying to hold on to every last second.

As you walked down the stairs and out into the cool night, you felt a mix of relief and sadness. Some bonds ran too deep to easily untangle, but you knew you had done the right thing.

But then from behind you heard a noise "hey y/n stop "

You looked back it was jung su he came to you and said "wait its really cold why dont you stay at my house today"

you freezed there for a moment .. After a second you spoke "umm... Okayy no problem"

With that you both went up and he made the dinner for you.. You both ate it , then watched a movie and afterwards went to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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