can we be friends!??

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**In the evening**

**Y/n's phone rings.**

**Caller**: "Hey, are you coming to the restaurant tonight?"

**Y/n**: "Restaurant?"

**Caller**: "Yes. Jung-su didn't inform you?"

**Y/n**: "No, he didn't, Sofia."

**Sofia**: "All our friends are meeting at the new restaurant tonight."

**Y/n**: "Oh, I see. I'll be there."

**Sofia**: "Arrive by 8."

**Y/n**: "Alright!"

*Setting: Evening at 8 o'clock. Y/N's cozy living room, softly lit with lamps.*

**Sofia:** *(knocking on the door and peering inside)* "Hey, Y/N! Are you ready yet?"

**Jung Su:** *(standing behind Sofia, looking around the room)* "We don't want to be late. Everyone's waiting."

**Y/N:** *(opening the door and smiling, wearing a casual outfit)* "Oh, hey guys! I'm almost ready. Just give me a couple of minutes."

*Sofia:* "We've been waiting to go out for ages. You promised you'd be ready by now."

**Jung Su:** "Yeah, we're all set to go. We should head out soon before it gets too late."

**Y/N:** "I know, I know. I just need to grab my bag and put on my shoes. I'll be quick, promise."

**Sofia:** *(rolling her eyes playfully)* "Alright, but hurry up! We've got plans and everyone's excited."

**Jung Su:** "And remember, it's the last night of the festival. We can't miss it."

**Y/N:** "Got it! I'll be out in just a few."

*Y/N rushes off to get ready, while Sofia and Jung Su chat with the rest of the friends who have gathered in the hallway, waiting with anticipation.*

**Setting: Inside a lively restaurant, filled with chatter and clinking glasses. Y/N and her friends are seated at a table, enjoying their meal.**

**Y/N:** *(laughing at a joke, then suddenly stopping)* "Oh no! I just realized I left my purse in the car. I'll be right back."

**Friend 1:** "You sure you don't need any help?"

**Y/N:** "Nope, it's fine. I'll just grab it quickly."

*Y/N gets up and heads toward the restaurant's entrance. As she steps outside, she spots Jimin walking by, looking around.*

**Jimin:** *(noticing Y/N)* "Hey, Y/N! Fancy seeing you here."

**Y/N:** *(surprised)* "Oh, Jimin! Hi! I didn't expect to run into you. I'm just going to get my purse from the car."

**Jimin:** "Wait up! I was actually looking for you. I wanted to ask if you're free this weekend."

**Y/N:** "Really? I didn't know. What's up?"

**jimin**: i just wanted to be your friend..

**Setting: Outside the restaurant. Y/N is standing by her car, talking to Jimin while retrieving her purse. Jung Su, Y/N's boyfriend, is inside the restaurant, watching them through the window with a mix of curiosity and jealousy.**

**Jimin:** *(smiling)* "I'm really glad I ran into you. I was hoping we could hang out sometime.

**Y/N:** *(cheerfully)* "That sounds great! I'd love to. How about Saturday afternoon?"

**Jimin:** "Perfect. I'll text you the details later. Looking forward to catching up."

**Y/N:** "Me too! Anyway, I should get back inside before my friends start wondering where I am."

**Jimin:** "Alright, see you soon!"

*As Y/N heads back to the restaurant, Jung Su steps out, trying to act casual but clearly affected by the exchange.*

**Jung Su:** *(approaching Y/N)* "Hey, there you are. Everything okay?"

**Y/N:** "Yeah, just had to grab my purse. Oh, I was talking to Jimin. He wants to catch up this weekend."

**Jung Su:** *(trying to keep his tone light)* "Really? That's cool. You two seemed pretty friendly out there."

**Y/N:** "jimin just wanna be my friend.. "

**Jung Su:** *(forcing a smile)* "Sure, I get it. Just, uh, don't forget we have plans too."

**Y/N:** "Of course! We'll make sure to have our plans as well. Don't worry."

*They head back into the restaurant, and Jung Su takes a seat, trying to mask his discomfort while Y/N rejoins her friends. The evening continues with a subtle tension in the air, as Jung Su's feelings of jealousy simmer beneath the surface.*

* after a wonderful night out with friends at 12 pm you came back to home*

**y/n** argh!!! I am just so tired... I mma sleep now**

* with that you lay down on bed and start using your phone after sometime you keep your phone on the side table and sleeps*

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