1. Forced Proximity

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It had been a long day, and things were only getting worse.

Armaan Poddar's jaw clenched as the voice over the airport loudspeaker droned, announcing the inevitable — their flight was canceled. The storm had rolled in faster than anyone anticipated, turning the skies into an impenetrable wall of dark clouds and rain. As he scrolled through the airline's app for alternatives, he cursed under his breath. Every flight was either delayed or canceled.

Next to him, Abhira Sharma sighed in frustration, her face a picture of irritation as she tapped away at her phone. They weren't exactly friends, but they were both top lawyers at competing firms, traveling to the same conference to make their names in the corporate law world.

"Any luck finding something?" Armaan asked, though he already knew the answer.

Abhira shook her head. "All the hotels around here are fully booked as well. Apparently, everyone is stuck."

He could feel the weight of the situation sink in. The storm wasn't going anywhere, and neither were they. He glanced at her, noting the exhaustion lining her features. They'd been traveling all day and now, the idea of being stuck at an airport or worse — in the same room — was more than either of them had bargained for.

"Let me talk to the Amex concierge guys, we can probably ask them to organise the rental car and a hotel for us," he suggested, though he wasn't sure where they'd even go in this weather.

Abhira gazed out the window at the relentless downpour, the raindrops hammering against the glass. She turned back to Armaan, frustration flickering in her eyes. "What do you mean by 'us'? I don't need your help. I can handle this on my own."

Armaan ran a hand through his hair, exasperation creeping into his voice. "Well, I'm not staying here, Abhira. Look at the weather! It's brutal out there. Do you really think you'll manage this alone? Let's just put our differences aside for today. I can help you, and we'll have a better chance of finding a solution together."

She paused, weighing his words. The storm outside was fierce, and the thought of braving it alone sent a shiver down her spine. With a reluctant sigh, she nodded, realizing that his determination might just tip the scales in their favor. "Fine. Just for today," she relented, her voice softer, a hint of vulnerability breaking through her stubborn facade.

The rental car rattled slightly as they drove down the dark, rain-slicked highway. The windshield wipers worked overtime to keep up with the deluge, but visibility was still next to nothing. Armaan gripped the steering wheel tightly, stealing a glance at Abhira. She sat beside him, arms crossed, staring out at the storm as if blaming it for everything that had gone wrong that day.

"Didn't think you'd agree to a road trip," he said after a long stretch of silence.

She sighed, rubbing her temples. "I didn't agree to a road trip. I agreed to not be stuck in an airport for the next twelve hours."

A faint smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. Even when she was annoyed, she was sharp, quick with her words. That's how she was in court, too — relentless, cutting, never missing a beat. He'd admired that about her, though he'd never admit it out loud.

"Can you believe the only place left with rooms available is not just some hotel, but one of those luxury resorts tucked away in the hills." Armaan said.

Abhira turned to look at him, one brow arched in disbelief. "A fancy resort in the middle of nowhere?"

"Guess we got lucky," he said, a slight smirk playing on his lips. He could see the wariness in her eyes, the skepticism. But there was no other choice. They had to stop somewhere for the night.

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