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You woke up, rubbing your eyes. You were still at the Blacksite... but everything was dark.

(Y/N): "p.AI.nter?..."

p.AI.nter: "I'm right here kiddo..."

You realized you were still outside of p.AI.nter's cell. His screen was making a little light into the darkness.

(Y/N): "where's mom and dad?... what time is It?..."

p.AI.nter: "they aree... um... let's just say they wont be coming back for tomorrow... they... left."

(Y/N): "what about me?..."

p.AI.nter got silent with a frown on his drawn face. He kept looking at you and noticed something different... your cheek had a light green spot. (The other cheek has dried blood)

p.AI.nter: "hey kid, what's that green spot on your cheek?"

(Y/N): "what?"

As you talked, he notices your teeth... Let's just say you had 2 little fangs now. He became extremely worried but didn't talked much about It.

p.AI.nter: "go to sleep kid... It's late."

(Y/N): "but I'm not sleepyy!!"

p.AI.nter sighs and plays the lullaby. In seconds, you were in the ground asleep again.

~in the morning~

You woke up, the fricking lights giving you a slight headache as you look around. Still in the same place. p.AI.nter noticed you waking up.

p.AI.nter: "awake already? Well good morning. :)"

(Y/N): "good morning..."

You said asyou rubbed your eyes while yawning. Crowd noises coming outside from the room. Yeah everyone was here.

(Y/N): "I'm gonna search my parents... I'll be back! :3"

p.AI.nter just nodded as you run out to sesrch your parents. You run trough the facility, trying to memorize every location while doing so. You saw Henry talking to the other scientist, holding a document that was written 'CLASSIFIED' on It.

(Y/N): "Mr.Henry!"

Henry turned to look at you with a look of suprise and interest. Interest because the green mark on your cheek, and the 2 little sharp fangs you had when you called out to him. He turned to you fully.

Henry: "Ah, there you are kid. Where is your mom and dad tho?"

You got silent. Henry understood that.

Henry: "they will come back in a hour... would you like to see Z-13?"

(Y/N): "Z- what?"

Henry sighs.

Henry: "Sebastian."

You immediatly shook your head as a no.

Henry: "why not?"

You couldn’t speak... you didn't wanted to... you just looked at him with widened eyes, tellin him you didn't want to go. Henry fot confused but nodded anyway.

Henry: "alright then... oh! You can come with me for now. I need to inject you with the medicine again remember?"

(Y/N): "oh... Why do I need this medicine so much?

Henry: "well your immune system is weaker then normal... and the fact you came from the surface to the under water pressure, It will make It weaker." (I made that shit up. Idk If It's real or not-)

(Y/N): "ohhh! That's why I get easily sick everytime!"

Henry nodded and led you the same room. He locked the door behind him as he got the syringe ready. Heating the needle up before injecting It to you. Suprisingly, the medicine was not painfull at all. Only the heat of the needle hurt which, maded you wince in pain a bit. He took out the needle from you as he patted you head but his face kept being expressionless.

Henry: "I'll lead you to p.AI.nter's cell today for now. Come on."


You were in p.AI.nter's cell. Looking tired than usual.

p.AI.nter: "are you sure you got some sleep last night?"

You shook your head as a no. p.AI.nter sighed.

p.AI.nter: "want me to open the lullaby again? Take Poppy too If you want."

You nod as you take poppy, going under the table as you lay down and close your eyes. p.AI.nter played the lullaby for you as you fell asleep. p.AI.nter started to play minecraft on his own screen as he quietly sings something.

p.AI.nter: "I am placing blocks and shit cuz I am fucking mining-"


p.AI.nter stopped playing and turned towards a vent that was like right next to both of you. He looked confused and worried as he checks on you. You were still asleel somehow, but It relieved p.AI.nter a bit. Then, he hears someone crawling in the vent. The vent door opens by a large, bloodied claw. It's Sebastian but p.AI.nter doesn't knows him yet.

Sebastian: "*sigh*... finally..."

Sebastian tries to get his fat-ass out from the vent,

Sebastian: "ugh... just gotta.., get out of this..."

p.AI.nter looked extremely worried. About you because he doesn't wants you to wake up and get scared. And for Sebastian (I hope. Idk). p.AI.nter turned to him.

p.AI.nter: "who are you?... what are you doing?? Do you need help—?"

Sebastians gets out from the vent. He was now towering over p.AI.nter.

Sebastian: "you could say that..."

He clasped his main two hands together as his 3rd one was resting next to him, twitching slightly. He was a bit injured but not that much.

Sebastian: "hello there, friend."

p.AI.nter: "who are you? What's happening out there?"

p.AI.nter said while looking up at him, still worried. You were still asleep, under the table.

Sebastian: "Ah, yes... where are my manners... my name is Sebastian. Sebastian Solace."

p.AI.nter heard that name before... but he was still kn guard a bit.

p.AI.nter: "that... doesn't really help... I don't know who you are."

Sebastian leans down to his eye level with a sly smirk.

Sebastian: "oh, but I know you..."

He said as he tapped on his table, chuckling a bit.

p.AI.nter: "what."

p.AI.nter was looking at him with a slight fear on his drawn face. Sebastian's gaze softens as he frowns a bit while standing up back to his height.

Sebasian: "And... regrettably... what they did to you... It's unfortunate..."

p.AI.nter looked away with a frown. Letting out a 'hm...'
Then... Sebastian noticed you.


(Finally. I made İt longerkn purpose because I posted this a little late T~T but I hope you enjoyed It! The converstaion that p.AI.nter and Sebastian had was from a comic. The comic is not mine like I said. And I don't know the creator of the comic. Anyways ily guys! Goodnight/Goodmorning!~)

Words: 1070


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