The Devil and The Angel 08/04/24
They're my hidden refugees
Knows all my insecurities
Knows I'm not enough but they still
Try to see the best in me.
They're wrong.
On my shoulders they will stand
'Til I am the end of man
'Til they march me to my death
But they still try to keep the band.
Stay strong.
Pounding in my head all day
Beg for it to go away
Beg to God I wish I was
relieved from them but stayed -
Please, I'm drowning in my debts
To everyone whom I have met
To Devil and the Angel, please just
Spare me, spent
So done.
Ceased will be the Devil's pay
Killed within the Angel's lay
Killed for all my sins until l'm
Nothing but a dream.
I'm gone.
Some [Ambrosia]-y Poetry
PoetryI wrote these when I was 12, don't judge, I just wanna put it out there. Ignore the dates.