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Glorious                           05/07/24

Glorious, beautiful, strong,

Never pitied, wrong.

Harmonies etched in perfect song,

Proud, looked and starred among.

Majestical, spellbound, bright,

Cosmic evening night.

Take off, fly with all your might,

'Till you reach the morning light.

Sing the notes divine,

Wait to find what's mine.

Drifting, past the time,

Spelled, just close your eyes.

Please, stay next to me,

We'll hide among the trees.

Floating with the breeze, 

'Till skyline meets the sea.

So keep your curious mind,

Don't get left behind.

Keep this glorious night,

Your love is finally mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2024 ⏰

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