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Three moons had passed since the clan had last gathered, and the atmosphere was alive with a sense of anticipation. The sun was beginning to dip low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the camp as Batstar's powerful voice rang out, "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the red rock for a Clan meeting!"

The camp stirred to life at his call. Cats emerged from their dens, padding over to the large, weathered red rock that towered above the heart of DawnClan's camp. Warriors, apprentices, and elders alike took their places in the gathering area, their eyes focused on their leader. Among them were two kits standing beside their mother, MorningSun, their fur sleek and well-groomed. Ivykit and Owlkit couldn't keep still, their tails flicking with excitement.

"This is it," Ivykit whispered to Owlkit, her voice barely containing her thrill. "We're finally going to be apprentices!"

Owlkit's green eyes sparkled in response. "I can't wait to start training!" she meowed eagerly.

Ivykit nodded, scanning the crowd of cats. Silverfeather and Shimmerbreeze sat side by side in the shade, their pelts still carrying the pride of newly named warriors. A few fox-lengths away, Hyenapaw, Coldpaw, and Stormpaw—Hollowthroat's kits—held themselves with a mixture of excitement and determination, their heads high as they awaited the ceremony. Ivykit could see their pride, knowing how much effort they had put into their training. She couldn't help but puff out her chest a little. Soon, she and Owlkit would join them as apprentices, part of the heart and strength of DawnClan.

Nearby, Alderstripe, the clan's elderly healer, sat with Echoflower outside the medicine den. Ivykit noticed how Alderstripe's paws trembled slightly as he settled down, though his gaze remained sharp and unwavering. She had always admired his wisdom, even if his strength had begun to fade with age. Though frail, his presence still commanded respect. Ivykit wondered how long Alderstripe would remain in his role, but part of her admired how he persisted despite his struggles.

MorningSun bent down to give both of her daughters a few affectionate licks between their ears. "You both look so grown-up now," she purred, her voice filled with pride. "Shadowstripe would be so proud of you both if she were here."

Ivykit's heart clenched at the mention of their grandmother. Shadowstripe's passing had left a heavy void in their lives, and Ivykit missed her comforting presence. Still, the mention of her made Ivykit feel determined to live up to her legacy. "I'll make her proud," she whispered to herself.

Owlkit squirmed beneath their mother's fussing, batting at her affectionately. "Mother, enough! We're about to become apprentices!" she protested, though her eyes shone with love.

With a final lick, MorningSun smiled warmly. "I know, I know. You'll both be great apprentices," she said, stepping back as Sleekwish, heavily expecting her first litter, approached with her mate, Sparrowtuft,  close behind.

As the last few cats settled, Batstar leaped onto the red rock with ease, his muscular frame outlined against the setting sun. His amber eyes swept across his clan, his gaze sharp and focused. Hareshade, the clan's deputy, joined him on the rock, his posture rigid and serious as ever. Beside him, Talonstride's grey pelt was almost indistinguishable from the stone beneath them. His eyes flicked down to Owlpaw with a spark of approval.

"Today is a special day for our clan," Batstar began, his deep voice carrying across the clearing, holding every cat's attention. "We are here to welcome two new apprentices into our ranks. Ivykit, Owlkit, step forward."

Ivykit's heart pounded in her chest as she exchanged a look with Owlkit. This was the moment they had been waiting for. As one, the two kits padded forward, feeling the eyes of their clanmates upon them.

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