The decision

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"You've got to be kidding me," Lucas murmured under his breath, his eyes narrowing at the screen. The latest project brief was a complete mess. He'd seen better designs from interns.

He stood up from his chair, his six-foot frame casting a shadow over the cluttered desk. The office lights reflected off the sleek lines of his designer glasses as he scanned the room. His sharp gaze fell upon a photograph of Jungwoo, the edges slightly worn from his constant handling. Jungwoo's smile was as bright as the day Lucas had convinced him to move in together. The memory washed over him, a gentle reminder of the power he held.

Lucas strolled out of his office, the clack of his dress shoes echoing down the hallway. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, trying to decide the perfect way to present his proposal. Jungwoo was a simple guy, but this had to be more than just a proposal; it had to be an ultimatum wrapped in velvet.

As he approached Jungwoo's workspace, Lucas took a deep breath, steeling himself. Jungwoo looked up, his eyes lighting up at the sight of Lucas. "Hey," he said, setting down his pencil. Lucas felt a strange twinge in his chest. It wasn't love—no, he didn't do love—but something akin to it.

"We need to talk," Lucas said, his voice firm but not unkind. Jungwoo's smile faltered, and he nodded, his curiosity piqued.

"Come to my office," Lucas beckoned, turning on his heel. Jungwoo followed, his heart racing. He had no idea what was happening, but he trusted Lucas implicitly. That trust was about to be tested.

Lucas closed the door behind them, his hand lingering on the cool metal handle. The room was dimly lit, the neon glow of the city outside casting a soft blue light across the floor. He took a seat in the chair across from Jungwoo, leaning back and folding his arms.

"You know I come from a wealthy family," Lucas began, his tone measured. Jungwoo nodded. "Well, my inheritance comes with a condition. I must be married by the end of the year."

Jungwoo's eyes widened. "But... what about your work?"

Lucas chuckled, a sound devoid of humor. "This company is just a hobby for me. The inheritance is what truly matters." He leaned forward, his eyes boring into Jungwoo's. "And I've chosen you to be my wife." Jungwoo was a bit terrified this not the college classmate he had known since his college days.

The words hung in the air, a silent demand that Jungwoo felt in the pit of his stomach. He swallowed hard, his mind racing. Was this what he wanted? To be married to Lucas, the man who had been his friend, mentor, and now...this?

The silence grew heavier, and Jungwoo knew he had to say something. "But, Lucas... I..."

Lucas's smile was cold. "It's already been decided," he said, cutting Jungwoo off. "You're the perfect choice. You won't argue, you'll do as I say, and you won't embarrass me."

Jungwoo felt a flicker of anger, but it was quickly extinguished by fear. He knew what Lucas was capable of. "Okay," he murmured, his voice small.

Lucas's eyes lit up with triumph. "Good," he said, patting Jungwoo's hand. "Now, let's discuss the details."

Jungwoo nodded, his heart heavy. He had just signed away his freedom, and he wasn't sure if he'd ever get it back.

Growing up in a small town, Jungwoo had been a free spirit. His parents had been loving but strict, instilling in him the values of hard work and kindness. They had taught him to trust in others and to believe that good things come to those who are good. He had been the apple of their eye, a gentle soul who saw the world through rose-tinted glasses. When he had met Lucas in college, he had been drawn to the older man's confidence and poise. Jungwoo had been naive, thinking that Lucas's interest in him was genuine friendship. He had been flattered by the attention, the gifts, and the promises of a future together.

Now, sitting across from Lucas in his office, Jungwoo felt like a caged bird. He had always been the beauty to Lucas's beast, the softness to his hardness. Lucas had been his protector, his guide in the big city, and Jungwoo had been too innocent to see the possessive glint in his eyes. He had been swept away by the fairytale, the idea that he had been chosen by someone so powerful and successful.

But as the reality set in, Jungwoo felt a twinge of doubt. He had always been independent, even as Lucas had slowly started to control every aspect of his life. His choices had become Lucas's choices, his dreams had been shaped by Lucas's ambitions. Jungwoo had accepted it all, thinking that this was what love was supposed to feel like. Now, he wondered if he had been fooling himself all along.

The proposal had been so sudden, so calculated. It was like being in a game of chess, and Jungwoo had just realized that Lucas had been moving the pieces all along. He was trapped, and he didn't know how to escape.

As Lucas spoke about the wedding, the parties, the life they would build together, Jungwoo felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. This wasn't the future he had envisioned for himself. But he had made his choice, and he had to live with it. He forced a smile, nodding along to Lucas's grand plans. Inside, he was screaming.

Lucas, on the other hand, was beaming. He had gotten what he wanted, and he knew Jungwoo would never dare to defy him. He had been grooming him for this moment, making him believe that he couldn't live without Lucas's guidance and protection. The thought filled him with a sense of power, a dark thrill that he had never felt before. Jungwoo was his, and nothing would ever change that.

The conversation turned to the practicalities of their union. Jungwoo listened, his mind racing. How would he tell his parents? Would they understand? Would they be happy for him, or would they see the chains that were slowly being wrapped around their son's heart?

When Lucas finally stood up, signaling the end of the discussion, Jungwoo felt a wave of relief. He needed time to process, to breathe. He had to find a way to make this work, to find some semblance of happiness in the life that had been decided for him.

As he left the office, the weight of his decision weighing heavily on his shoulders, Jungwoo couldn't shake the feeling that he had just signed a pact with the devil. But the devil had a smile like an angel, and for now, that was all Jungwoo could see.

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