Chapter Seven

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"Fika!!" I turned to see who was calling my name. It was Azriel, jogging towards me with that familiar smile.

"Hey, Azriel!" I called back, trying to keep my cool.

"Perfect timing! I just saw your mom leaving in her car. I thought you had gone inside your dorm, and I would not know how to find you," he said, looking relieved.

"Oh really? Yeah, she just left."

"Do you want to take a walk?" Azriel asked, his eyes brightening. "I promised the last time we saw each other that I would play my guitar for you."

I felt a thrill of excitement. "I'd love that."

He smiled and started walking, gesturing me to follow. We strolled across campus, chatting easily. After a short walk, we reached his dorm building.

"That is it," Azriel said, leading me inside. The hallway was spacious and nicely decorated, with vibrant posters on the walls.

His apartment was big and welcoming. There was a comfortable couch, a coffee table scattered with music sheets, and some colorful cushions that added a cozy touch.

"Welcome to my home!" Azriel said, a proud grin on his face. "Let me grab my guitar."

I looked around, admiring how organized everything wasz Azriel's dorm felt warm, like it had a personal touch.

As Azriel disappeared into his room to fetch his guitar, I noticed a door slightly ajar across the hall. Just then, a guy stepped outside.

He was tall, with dark skin and athletic build. His clothes were casual, but he had an air of confidence around him. His afro was neat, and his smile was friendly.

"Oh, hey," he said in a British accent that caught me off guard. "You here for Azriel?"

"Yeah, I'm Fika," I said, a little uncertain.

"Richard," he introduced himself, extending his hand for a quick shake. "Az hasn't mentioned you before."

I shook his hand, feeling a bit more relaxed. "Nice to meet you."

Before the conversation could go further, Azriel returned, guitar in hand. "Ah, Richard, this is Fika."

"Yeah, we just met," Richard replied, giving Azriel a knowing smile.

"Yeah, we just met," Richard replied, giving Azriel a knowing smile.

"Hey, man," Richard added, turning to Azriel, "I hope you're still coming to the party later?"

Azriel strummed a few chords on his guitar, nodding. "Of course, I'll be there." He glanced at me and smiled. "Actually, Fika, would you like to come too? It's not too far from here. Just a small gathering with friends."

I hesitated for a moment. "A party?"

Azriel's eyes softened. "It'll be fun. Just a few people, good music, and you can hang out with us."

I felt a little nervous but also intrigued. "Yeah, sure, why not?"

"Great!" Azriel grinned, clearly pleased. "But first, let's do what I promised." He sat down on the couch and patted the space next to him, tuning his guitar. "This one's just for you."

Azriel adjusted the strings on his guitar and began to play a soft melody. His fingers moved smoothly across the strings, and soon he started singing:

"You got your demons, spent seasons on the dark side of the moon,
Don't try denying cause you know that I've been there too
Right now, I know how it feels like the world's gonna end
But i'll get you through if it's the last thing I do."

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