Chapter 1: Just keep running

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Just keep running, I say to myself. A branch smacks me in the face and leaves a scratch. I guess I should start at the beginning and tell you why I am running away. Well first my name is Katy , but you can call me Kitty. I am 12 years old. I have long wavy dark brown hair with icy blue eyes. I am 5 feet tall. Well now that you know what i look like I will tell why I am running away. It started when I was seven. My parents had a fight and spilt up. I went with my mom which turned out to be the wrong choice. She hated me through and through inside and out. I have no idea way. She hit me, throw me against the wall, tell me I am nothing and that I should die. I had no friends, nobody to turn to. I would always get bullied for no reason at all. I was just the punching bag at the school. So, no matter where I would go I would always get bullied. After five years I decided I had to get away. So I did what any kid would do, fake suicide and run away never looking back. Or maybe only I did that? Oh well, so all I did was climb on the roof ( too bad I am scared of heights). I jumped even though people driving and walking by screamed at me. Right before I hit the ground I put a pillow,which I was hiding under my hood, under me to break my fall. After a minute or so I got up, grabbed my back pack and ran for my dear life. I ran from Utah (that's where I was born) all the way to somewhere in Pennsylvania. I can't believe I ran all the way here, I thought. I was really glad my back pack was light all there was are some clothes, my debit card (good thing I have been saving all my money from when I was six, so I had $1,984 ),some candy, a flashlight, and my favorite teddy bear I had from when I was 3. Ya it is childish, but he is the only one who I could talk to. I know what you are thinking talking to a stuffed animal is stupid. I think it isn't. Secret (I gave him that name because he was the only one I had told all of my secrets to.) is like some one who won't judge you and won't tell your secrets to any one. So anyways that is why i am here in this forest. I hope I find a town soon I am hungry for some pizza yum.

Sarah's P.O.V (Sarah is Kitties mean mom)

When I found out that Kitty had suicide I was heart broken. I blamed myself. I was always so mean to her. Right now I am wishing that I was the dead one not her. The police are trying to find her body so maybe she is still alive. I guess the old saying is true "You never know what you have, until it is gone". I just wish I could fix things. But I know i can't, but if she is alive I will do whatever it takes for me to get her back.

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